The AMX ELC 901 is a Tier VI French light tank, resembling the researchable AMX ELC bis. It has the same advantage of an extremely low silhouette and, therefore, excellent concealment. Like its counterpart, the AMX ELC 901 carries a gun that is large and heavy for its size (the caliber is 90 mm in the case of the 901), which limits the rotation of the tankโs turret to 30 degrees. Weak armor is compensated for by a base top forward speed of 60 km/h.
So, I cant help but to compare to VK 105.
VK has 350 damage and 104mm heat pen versus 240 damage and 170 HEAT pen (but you don’t have a turret)
VK has 380 view range and 14.25 camo versus this 360 view range and 21.89 camo.
Same top speed but AMX has 28 power weight ratio versus VK 26. I’ll call the 2 in this instance negligible.
VK 105 has 80 more hit points and more armor.
The sell point is premium and tank size I am assuming? They just up tiered an ELC with almost nothing to show? Maybe the gun dispersion stats are godlike? What am I missing?
well-deserved reward tank or anniversary gift
Super ELC. Finally ๐