WoT Supertest: Czołg P wz. 46 Detailed Stats

Czołg P wz. 46 (Poland, Tier-9, HT, premium) Average damage: 650/650/800
Average armor penetration (mm): 248/310/77
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 3.05
Loading of the gun (sec): 19.65

Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 20.86
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 20.86
Gun depression/elevation (deg): -8/20
Aiming time (sec): 3.07
Accuracy at 100 m: 0.42
Average damage per minute: 1,984
Strength (HP): 1,950
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 135/75/80
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 160/120/90
Track Repair time (sec): 11.7
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 100/105
Engine power (hp): 1,200
Specific power (hp/t): 12
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 30/12
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 4.79/0.65
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 2.39/0.32
View Range (m): 380

Crew of 5 people: Commander; Gunner; Radio operator; Driver; Loader.
Role in combat: Heavy assault tank.
Category of special equipment: Survivability.

8 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Czołg P wz. 46 Detailed Stats

  1. BZ-75 but Tier 9 Premium and without rockets (and obviously without emergency tracks 😒)

    1. Need a huge buff like 18s reload, 2.40 aim time and 0.38 dispersion in my opinion it would be more playable

  2. Tier for tier this bootleg Object 279 looks worse than XM57, another tank that’s slow, with a clumsy gun (slow reload, slow aim time, bad accuracy), and with good armor. The gold penetration is especially bad.

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