WoT: List of Previous Auction Offers





source of the list: WoT InfoCord

4 thoughts on “WoT: List of Previous Auction Offers

  1. What about a list of reasons to get unfairly banned by WG? I start:

    -Destroying a CC while he is recording
    -Destroying a supertester’s not released tank
    -Destroying a press account’s tank
    -Trying to appeal a ban and getting it incremented instead and the Support System now is run by only bots

  2. I can’t access to the auction as WG banned me for 14 days as i destroyed a platoon of supertesters in the Object 265T. I tried to appeal but the Support website doesn’t let you appeal bans anymore, now it goes by automated responses by bots.

    No more money from me then, and problem solved.

  3. So likely 1/5 of the auctions will be credits, not worth the amount of credits and the rest gold.
    On a side note, the fact it’s always these 2 showing up on every single post really makes them seem like sore cheat users that got caught, on a smear campaign instead of an actual legitimate “problem”

    1. pretty much what they are, EULA hasn’t been updated whatsoever cause if it was.. wg is legally complied to inform the players and they have done it every time there was a change in the past. i have killed ST tanks and also checked on the guys who killed the CCs in their streams and videos, no bans at all. these trolls also keep mentioning reddit posts and discord talks but i am active in both and there’s nothing related to that on either platforms

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