WoT Supertest: FV230 Canopener Detailed Stats & Historical Reference

FV230 Canopener (Great Britain, Tier-10, techtree, new mechanics: choice of firing mode)
Without announcing a sub-branch, a new Top Tier of Great Britain appeared although it was already obvious. FV230 Canopener will be the 68th techtree Top Tier tank in the game. Characteristics and appearance as always in front of you. Release in winter 2025.

• Reload time (single/salvo): 9.59/19.18 sec.
• Fire mode switching time: 2 sec.
• Turret traverse speed (single/salvo): 31.29/20.86 deg/s
• Aiming time (single/salvo): 1.92/3.36 sec
• Accuracy at 100m (single/salvo): 0.32/1.15
• Maximum forward speed (single/salvo): 32/20 km/h

Other fire performance characteristics:
• Average damage: 420/420/520
• Average armor penetration with AP projectile: 258 mm
• Average armor penetration with APCR projectile: 318 mm
• Average armor penetration with HE projectile: 60 mm
• Vertical aiming angles: -10/20 deg
• Average damage per minute: 2,628
• Shell velocity of AP projectile: 1,050 m/s
• Shell velocity of APCR projectile: 1,280 m/s
• Shell velocity of HE projectile: 1,050 m/s

Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 22.95
Strength (HP): 2,400
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 200/100/40
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 260/110/70
Track Repair time (sec): 12.03
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 90/95
Engine power (hp): 1,200
Specific power (hp/t): 13.33
Max. speed / reverse(km/h): 32/14
Max. speed / reverse (km/h, salvo mode): 20/14
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 4.28/0.77
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 2,17/0,39
View Range (m): 390

Crew of 5 people: Commander (Radio Operator); Driver; Gunner; Loader; Loader.
Role in combat: Versatile Heavy Tank.
Category of special equipment: Survivability.

Historical Reference:

A fairly balanced design with traditionally British emphasis on firepower and defense. The vehicle’s main feature was its armament: a 20-pounder and the new 105 mm L7 gun were considered. To ensure the necessary rate of fire, the designers planned to mount the gun on an oscillating turret. Since the gun was mounted at a fixed elevation, it was equipped with simple mechanical devices to facilitate the work of the two loaders. Although the specified requirements were wholly attainable, the tank turned out to be too heavy and bulky. The project was terminated.

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