WOT Express: Complete Waffentrager Event Details

IMPORTANT: Everything mentioned below is fictional, and any coincidences are purely accidental!

Fan-mode Waffenträger: Reckoning in WOT.

On ~September 19, 2024, the Waffenträger: Reckoning event will begin. The mode has been updated, and of course, there will be loot boxes too.

Max von Krieger and his daughter Ermelinda Jung are returning. The core gameplay remains the same as in the previous iteration of the event. However, now in battle, Ermelinda Jung can assist the Blitzträger by piloting a Leopard 1. She will be able to block generators, increase the DPM (damage per minute) of bots, and speed up the Blitzträger’s reload time.

Her new 3D style for the Leopard 1 will be available during the event. The rest of the progression and the type of loot boxes remain the same.

This time, the crew members of the Hounds will be EU streamers, each with unique voiceovers:

  • Agent Dakillzor
  • Agent MouzAkrobat
  • Agent Quickybaby
  • Agent Skill4ltu

Additionally, you can obtain:

  • Max von Krieger
  • Ermelinda Jung

Notably, the Chinese region of WOT will have its own unique crew members.

And of course, loot boxes. The mechanics haven’t changed, but 3 new tanks have been added.

IMPORTANT: Everything stated below is fictional; any coincidences are accidental!

The non-appearance of the Waffle on a permanent basis (in loot boxes) means that WG [Wargaming] wants to play the long game (unlike how “Lesta” does it), and that in 2025 this fun mode will return again (most likely, you’re already tired of it).

However, there’s one more option, but it’s very unlikely.

10 thoughts on “WOT Express: Complete Waffentrager Event Details

  1. Title: “Complete Waffentrager Event Details”
    Subtitle: “IMPORTANT: Everything mentioned below is fictional, and any coincidences are purely accidental!”

    I can’t anymore – the guy(s) at WoTExpress are getting so desperate! If I’m not missing something, the entire article is a pure thought of the writer and we are supposed to read it! That’s rock-bottom-low quality content!

    No offense towards the TAP guys, they are doing a nice job, but this article is ridiculous to say the least 😀

    1. Wot express is handled by Russians and they are because WG showed a Ukraine stuff in a event page and they are info leaks getting plugged

  2. “Wot express is handled by Russians and they are because WG showed a Ukraine stuff in a event page”

      1. Yea you are correct WoT Express is written by Russian WOT EU wotclue. Apparently wotclue is triggered and got upset because WG did a event showing Ukraine stuff on the event page.

  3. shitExpress is a lingering mess of desinformation with a slight twist to anger the EU/NA playerbase.

    And what is this nonsense of all the new stuff for 2025 and after? Weren’t they told active developement will be ending in 2025? Should have the spine to stick with that lie and stop posting shit.

    Like the leak of the chinese multi-stage lootboxes with the small caveat of raising the BLP limit from 50 to 75. Lo and behold, in reality it stayed 50 and for the rarer boxes it’s 40 and 20…

    1. Armored Patrol also relayed WoT Express that BZ-176 was going be on sale this year…last year…the game closing…last year…game closing this year..

      1. It’s called click bait.
        The same as all these adverts for paki casinos.
        I’d rather pay than see these monkeys

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