WoT 1.26 Common Test: Toro In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Toro (Italy, Tier-9, HT, premium, mechanics: magazine with a reloading system for 4 shells)

Historical Reference:

In the 1950s, the Italian armed forces were operating American armored vehicles while simultaneously working on creating their own heavy tank, which was planned to be armed with guns that had enhanced ballistics based on Italian naval guns.

However, by the time the project was ready, it became clear that the leading tank nations would soon stop using heavy tanks, which no longer corresponded to modern realities, leading to the discontinuation of the project.

3 thoughts on “WoT 1.26 Common Test: Toro In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

  1. Being f2p in this game is so awful now . I use to buy a few tanks but no i refuse . They use to do marathons to earn a free premium a few times a year now they are so greedy moved to tier 9s and offer nothing for free . Console constantly puts older tanks up for marathons to earn .

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