WoT 1.26 Common Test: Crew Evolution – New Perk System

Improving the crew system continues to be one of our main focuses. We are committed to systematically improving its various aspects to make it more convenient, comfortable, and useful.

This time, we are concentrating on refreshing the perk system. Many of you participated in the early test and have already tried out the changes. Now, with some refinements and your feedback considered, we are ready to bring the updated perk system to the Common Test.

Here’s a brief reminder of the most important changes you can expect:

  • Max Perks: Each crew member can train up to six perks for their major qualification (including zero perks). Experience you have invested in perks above six is compensated by national Crew Books according to the formula “tanker experience / 4.5”.
  • Perk Choices: Choose from six individual perks and three group perks for each major qualification.
  • Bonus Perks: Crew members with additional qualifications train a chosen individual perk at 50% speed alongside their main perks. No extra XP needed. Up to three bonus perks are available.
  • Efficiency Requirement: For perks to be 100% effective, all crew members with the same major qualification (e.g., multiple Loaders) must fully train the same perk.
  • Extra XP: Crew members with six fully trained perks will keep earning Crew XP, which converts into Universal Guides after reaching certain thresholds (starting at 100,000 XP), with no limit.

Also, thanks to your feedback, we have changed the characteristics of five perks. Check them out.

Perk Early Test Update 1.26
Emergency Increases the crew efficiency bonus by 7.5% for 15 s after taking enemy damage. The effect does not stack. Increases the crew efficiency bonus by 5% for 15 s after taking enemy damage. The effect does not stack.
Quick Aiming Increases aiming speed by 2.5%. Increases aiming speed and turret rotation speed by 2.5%.
Reliable Placement Increases HE shell damage absorption by 7.5% and decreases damage received from falling by 30%. Increases HE shell damage absorption by 10% and decreases damage received from falling by 30%.
Signal Interception Decreases the time to determine whether your vehicle has been spotted by the enemy by 0.5 s. Decreases the time to determine whether your vehicle has been spotted by the enemy by 0.75 s.
Practicality Decreases consumable cooldown time by 7.5%. Decreases consumable cooldown time by 10%.
Join the Common Test and try the updated perk system right away! Inside the game, we also have tips on what has changed and how the crew system works.

3 thoughts on “WoT 1.26 Common Test: Crew Evolution – New Perk System

  1. So, that means that for my 10 crews with 7-9 skills, I will get crewbooks for 258 million XP … while losing roughly 1.165 billion XP. I have had to play years to earn them. Dear WG, I have spend a couple thousand EUR over the last 12 years. I was already used over the last 5-6 years to getting punished as long-term customer by you, but this is too much of a fuckover. Not a single EUR more.

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