WoT: 1.22.1 Vehicle Changes

Mittlerer Kpz. Pr. 68(P) (Germany, Tier-8, HT, premium).
The tank is completely ready for release.
• The name of the tank has been changed: from Kpz. Pr. 68 (P) at Mittlerer Kpz. Pr. 68(P)
• Changed the short name of the tank: from Kpz 68 (P) to MKpz 68 (P)
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 9,350

(USSR, Tier-8, LT, premium).
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 7,000

TITT Rozanov/Obsidian
(USSR, Tier-8, MT, premium).
The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 8,850


6 thoughts on “WoT: 1.22.1 Vehicle Changes

  1. Looks like we’ll see KPz and LTS-85 this Christmas, unless there’s some other event before the holiday ops.

      1. Don’t think so
        M47 use have 320 alpha with decent DPM but garbage accuracy
        This one have 400 with garbage DPM but excellent accuracy

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