WoT Supertest: Object 452K Changes

Object 452K (USSR, Tier-10, HT, promotional)

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• Hull armor: from 120/70/50 to 210/100/50 mm 
• Turret armor: from 120/130/60 to 130/130/60 mm

8 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Object 452K Changes

  1. Well hopefully that helps it out some, my guess is most of that 210 on the front is going to the massive lower plate cause damn that’s a massive lower plate.

  2. Weak turret and strong hull? This sounds interesting! I hope that the gun mantlet won’t be too armoured and the effective armour around the gun will be around 200-240, so it’s penetrable by standard rounds. This would make a very unique and not-frustrating-to-play-against kind of tank! I’m totally up for it!

    1. Look at that slope. 130 mm front turret with that slope is not weak especially if you use the gun depression . I wonder if it has a good gun depression. But i bet the gun mantlet will be thicker than 130 mm.

  3. Here’s the original article – https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2023/08/11/wot-supertest-object-452k-detailed-stats/
    What I noticed is the insane camo for a HT – stationary camo is 17.96% – the same as K-91’s (2nd best among tier X mediums after UDES 15/16) and moving camo is 8.95% – the same as Centurion AX’s.

    So, if WG are trying to create a sneaky HT, that can actually use bushes (which is unique and would be interesting), they should NOT buff the armour. Either this, or these camo values will be reduced to sth like 7%/2.5%

    1. Huh, good catch. that camo really breaks the mold for heavy tanks, i wonder if its a bug. If not it would be kinda interesting. I really don’t think the armor buff is anything crazy. Im going to bet its on the upper plate, and even if its on the lower plate, the shoulders are also a massive weakspot

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