11 thoughts on “WoT – Explaining Mechanics: View Range and Concealment

  1. Pure BullShit… Everyone can see it doesnt work as it should, but we do know its working as intended, just like everything else on this fkn rigged game… Disgusting…

  2. I tend to disagree …
    Post only ONE replay, which proves your point. One alone would do.

    1. Go on youtube and watch any replay with a rigged soviet hitting any target while walks/turn turret, yea any replay of those KV2 which fktard kids use to clap their hands, in that same replay you can find someone missing fully aimed shot on stationary targets or bouncing on a place where it shouldnt have bounced, especially on the same kv2. The game is rigged and everyone knows that, cause pretending it aint rigged is pointless.
      There you go WG Boot Licker…

      1. great. you completly missed my point. this article is about the view range and concealment mechanics or the sight system of WoT. all the points you name are RNG issues (shots going not to the center etc.) and KV-2 may have sometimes Stalins hand guiding shots. but the are als also myriads of games where the derp just misses etc.

        add to that the point that what you see in the game is not 100% what the server (where the calculations are ALL done) is “perceiving” and what you only see in the review: here you go.

        other option: get your tinfoil hat back on the head and pretend the game is cheating on you.

        and just to be complete: I would never ever say the game has no russian bias – it sure has. take a look at the playerbase (worldwide) and you stop to wonder. just think of Obj. 279 …

        1. Its easy to see your mental illness, just needed to read until I hit the line “stalins hand guiding shots…” .
          The game is completely broken and rigged , and no one needs a WG Boot licker to see 25%rng is rigging or if there is russian bias. the point where you couldnt pretend to be smart is that no one needs view range and concealment tips cause its doesnt really matter, cause after all we know Matchmaker gonna rig your match with clueless teammates or ghost shots, whatever…

          1. well, better get your irony detectors recalibrated because “Stalins hands is a well known ‘saying’ for WoT …

            but I won’t argue with someone who is just her for trolling. last replay from my side.

  3. Good to see Wargaming putting out these Understanding Mechanics videos, but they should promote them in-game (instead of the latest tank/promo special to drain your wallet).
    Many players have a bad experience (and constantly accuse the enemy of cheating) when it’s clear they have no understanding of the game mechanics.
    Unless someone in the forums gave the link to the (somewhat outdated) wiki or they stumbled across it, players are at a disadvantage without this knowledge.

  4. I mean…. Russian tanks are really well designed machines in real life. It would make sense they have advantages in a game where design is based off the real world.

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