Lišák v.2 (Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, HT, promotional)
- Hit Points: 1,900 hp
- Engine Power: 660 hp
- Top Speed (Forward/Reverse): 32/12 km/h
- Hull Armor: 250/100/70 mm
- Turret Armor: 250/130/100 mm
- Gun Depression/Elevation Angles: -8/20 deg
- Average Damage (AP/HEAT/HE): 490/490/640
- Penetration (AP/HEAT/HE): 244/300/68 mm
- Reload Time: 15/15 sec
- Aiming Time: 3 sec
- Accuracy at 100 m: 0.44 m
- Time to Switch to Next Loaded Gun: 5 sec
- Preparation Time for Dual Fire: 3 sec
- Lockout Time After Dual Fire: 4 sec
- While Stationary (Base/Max): 6.33/0.97 %
- While Moving (Base/Max): 3.19/0.49 %
Bofors Pagod TK105 (Sweden, Tier-9, MT, promotional)
- Hit Points: 1,600 hp
- Engine Power: 810 hp
- Top Speed (Forward/Reverse): 50/22 km/h
- Hull Armor: 100/35/35 mm
- Turret Armor: 190/100/35 mm
- Gun Depression/Elevation Angles: -7(12)/15(20) deg
- Average Damage (AP/APCR/HE): 360/360/460
- Penetration (AP/APCR/HE): 272/325/105 mm
- Reload Time: 10 sec
- Aiming Time: 2.4 sec
- Accuracy at 100 m: 0.35 m
- While Stationary (Base/Max): 12.48/2.47 %
- While Moving (Base/Max): 9.35/1.85 %
The pagod looks fun, i never think of touching promotional tanks with a 50 foot pole cause theres no reason but for fun, but this one might be fun ENOUGH to play like the cobra, we will see. 1000 damage doubles in tier 9 sounds alright. But 37 second reload for doubles sounds a bit ridiculous. Is this things double DPM this bad?
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I am counting 1590 DPM when doubling and 1960 DPM for singles. This is a little too ridiculous. Maybe boost them by 5~10% reload speed?