WoT: First Look at the New Matchmaking Formats

Yesterday, according to WOT Express, the first test of the revised matchmaking took place on the EU1 server. Notably, matches appeared to be more mirrored. However, based on the limited number of battles observed, it remains unclear whether the ±1 matchmaking spread has become more common.

10 thoughts on “WoT: First Look at the New Matchmaking Formats

  1. I played ~20 battles on EU1 yesterday and here’s what I noticed:
    1) I get ±2 rarely and when I do, the top tiers are most of the time only 2.
    2) The up to 5 TDs/team seem to not have been implemented at all – I had quite a lot of battles with 6 or 7, even one with 8 TDs/team.
    3) Up to 3 LTs/team seem to be working – I never had more than 3 lights in the team.
    4) Role-based MM – I haven’t paid enough attention to it, but I haven’t seen some striking stuff as 2x XM57 + TS-5 vs 2xSkorpion G + SU-130PM or double AMX 50B vs Maus and E100. So, I guess, if I’m not noticing issues, it’s working properly.

    One thing I still cannot comprehend is why WG excluded encounter and assault from the testing – what’s wrong with them??

    1. There’s some kind of technical limitation for encounter and assault. Atleast that’s what WG said…

    2. Encounter and assault is only on EU 2,3,4 atm. It’s turned off because they want the MM to fully work on the new system for standard battles. If those are off, they can overwork it more on one game mode to test how it really works doing calculations on the fly to constantly adjust

  2. I have played some battles on EU1 yesterday and the experience was enjoyable, the only big issue was some premium tanks being overpowered. WG should stop being scared of nerd whales and nerf tanks where needed.

    1. It’s not nerd whales that’s the issue. It’s legal action when the tank is no longer as advertised. It’s what more or less did stop even the KV-5 “buff” when they wanted to remove it’s pref MM, and when the Progetto lost the ability to mount a rammer. As the hidden 4th equipment slot was due to legal action threats based on their video promoting the tank

      1. More fake ass “forum expert” bullshit.
        You don’t own the pixels you purchased the right to use them.
        WG can buff or nerf whatever they want.

      2. Tier 8+ Italian medium tanks use an autoreloader and it’s not possible to equip a gun rammer with that gimmick. WG fucked up by allowing rammers to be equipped though questions should be asked – why was this greenlit in testing, and why did it take them so long to address the problem?

  3. Usually do eu2 but trundled into eu1 this am

    first game 15-1 lol

    Sorting out the aimbot cheat epidemic is a far bigger priority

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