The single vehicle joining the Supertest this week is the Vz. 60S, a Tier X Czechoslovakian heavy tank.
The main feature of this tank is its reliable protection. It has thick turret armor, and its hull armor plates are sloped at rational angles. Both the turret and the hull feature additional spaced armor. Despite being well protected, the Vz. 60S has good mobility for a heavy, with a top forward speed of 40 km/h.
The Vz. 60S is equipped with a 122 mm cannon which offers a nice balance between firepower and gun handling. The one-time damage is 450 HP, the reloading time is 11.5 s, the accuracy is 0.33, and the aiming time is 2 s. The maximum gun depression angle is 8°.
WOW! Like holy shit didn’t see this coming. This Tank is the RU (Russian server/WOT) TST but at tier 10 but looking good.
1st. Armor is look good, if you look at the RU version the turret has 210mm and our will have 310mm making it good and hard to pen all over with a 360 degree of space armor on the turret(AKA not getting pen with HESH). the Hull armor is good for ricochet but still weak so it not over powered, but there is space armor on the front of the hull and side (unlike the RU tank) that help with HEAT and HESH rounds. All that depends is what value the armor model get for our sever with space armor (here’s hoping the side space armor is included).
2nd. Firepower is looking Ok. The VZ 60S standard pen is little on the low side (but very like the VZ 55 standard round pen and speed), the Gold pen is better then the VZ 55 in pen and speed, and the HE is fast but lower pen and damage. Effective Reload is 11.03 sec with a rate of fire of 5.44 as a single shot so you can have a Rammer on it. Effective Accuracy/dispersion at 100m will be .32m so you’ll easy get .29m without Equipment. Effective Aim time is 1.92 sec will make this tank snappy (my guess to Dispersion factors is .20 to moving , .20 to hull, and .12 to turret).
3rd. Mobility is a little weak, but can work with (but would be better to buff for game play). As a Breakthough heavy the Field mod help with moving faster, but still not enough ( maybe buff to 45). On the RU the tank weight 54,500 kg, so if this one weight the same the h.p. will be 900h.p. with a 16.5h.p./t. Traverse speed on the turret is the same as the VZ 55 and the Hull Traverse speed will be the fastest for Tier 10.
4. My hopes are that they buff the top speed to 45, have good terrain resistance, have Good Dispersion factors, and they don’t fuck up the Armor model.
Rating is a 8/10 so far, if done right could be a 9/10. But if done wrong it could go to 3/10 easy.
So far so good, if the speed isn’t enough for you, then put in a turbo. 45 is more than enough for such a part. All in all, I doubt that the part will come as described here.
I’ll bet you 10,000 gold that they are still working on aiming time and dispersion. As described now, the thing is still too good…
wow a hulldown tank? what an interesting concept! going to shake up the 10 year old meta for sure!