Furina –
“It’s as if it was just yesterday that Eastern Cyrenaica greeted us—with sun, sand, and lead. I knew we couldn’t match the British. I knew we had nothing to counter their war machine, which had already gained full momentum in the early forties. But we were ordered to advance and fire—we advanced and fired. We were ordered to carry the flag—we carried it.
First, these sands took Antonio, and a day later, young Lorenzo. The scent of sea salt had barely faded from my uniform when I found myself alone. The last of my family.
I no longer have faith in my commanders, in the command of my commanders, or in the fat-bellied staff officers who have only seen war on maps. Those who have never dug through the sand with their bare hands, searching for the medallions of their fallen brothers—just to bring something home…
All I have left is the belief in swift vengeance. And if all our legends are true, then today, I do not go into this final battle alone.
Furina, be merciful—I entrust you with my last march.”