Three profitable sets for bonds are available in the In-Game Store. We recommend taking everything! If you have bonds, of course.
Bond Equipment Pack #1 – 10,000 bonds
- Innovative Loading System
- Increased Shell Resistance
- Stabilizing Equipment System
Available for purchase 1 time.
Bond Equipment Pack #2 – 10,000 bonds
- Improved Compressor
- Venting System
- Experimental Optics
Available for purchase 1 time.
2,500 Components – 5,000 bonds
Available for purchase 3 times.
Kits are available until February 17, 12:00 (UTC+3).
You can find them in the In-Game Store – Best.
5k bonds for uselessshit 😀
The compressor deal is quite good, if you do the match you will see its a very good deal! And all 3 components are very good for tanks you play most of. At least if you care to improve yourself and your tanks 😉
I would like to have it, especially the bonds. Why don’t they sell that stuff for gold? I still have enough of that from the boxes of holiday OPs. At least this time it’s a sensible offer…
Cool, I got the turbo compressor pack for my poor T71! 👍
Selling components for bonds, lol.
Let us buy for gold, I still have 670k gold left over from Christmas lol, I rather spend 100k on these deals than the Phonx
670,000 gold ?! Bro you’re a full fledged WG shareholder at this point.
Neah, somewhere you are lying. If you had 670k gold you would have easily bought the Phonix. Now you are talking shit about Phonix deal. I dont believe you! This is before buying the Phonx, if you played a few battles in it, you’ll know its not as OP as before in this hull down meta. You can easily do 5k damage in the Canopener hulldown, where as you rely on your team to not die in 3 minutes and open up window for you to do damage.
Same, as i mentioned in ealier posts i had like 820k gold after boxes lol, except i got the phoenix so not like 720k
I have about 250 bonds what should I buy for that?
WG won’t sell Bond Equipment for gold because then everyone would say its a pay-to-win (p2w) sale, because you have to grind bonds in game and can’t buy bonds. Not that this game has any problem selling other p2w type advantages. Also because WG treats gold as a trash currency now. If they want to sell bond equipment, they will do so for cash instead first. TBH, bond equipment is barely worth it nowadays given how accessible bounty equipment is and how easy it is to trasfer bounty equipment between tanks.
Remember when my dad used to say to me son a fool and his money are soon parted ..