WoT 1.28 Common Test: Battle Pass Season 16 Early Details (Spring 2025)

BP-16 will contain the following key vehicles:

NC 70 Błyskawica (Tier-10, Poland, TD)
Type 71 (Tier-10, Japan, HT)
E 50 Ausf. M (Tier-10, Germany, MT)

Battle Pass Season XVI: What’s New?

All Battle Pass rewards and values on the Common Test are for testing purposes and are subject to change.

The first Battle Pass Season of 2025 kicks off a brand-new annual cycle of three consecutive Seasons. Each offers you the chance to earn Tokens, which can be exchanged for exclusive vehicles and other valuable rewards. While the core mechanics of Battle Pass remain familiar, several exciting changes and improvements are coming in Season XVI:

Introducing Battle Pass Vault

The Reward section of the in-game Store, previously tied to Battle Pass Points, has been revamped and renamed the Battle Pass Vault. Here’s what’s new:

  • Immediate Access: The Battle Pass Vault is now available as soon as the Season begins—no need to complete all three chapters to unlock it.
  • New Currency: Rewards are now purchased with Chips, earned as base rewards for reaching certain Progression stages.
  • Flexible Purchases: Most items in the Battle Pass Vault (except bonds, which are sold exclusively for Chips) can be purchased with Chips or gold. Chips are only valid for the duration of the Season.
  • Expanded Rewards: The Battle Pass Vault offers a refreshed selection of items, including 2D customizations, 3D styles, Premium tanks from Season XIV, and crew members from almost all previous Seasons, with some exceptions, as well as other valuable items.

Post-Progression System

Once you complete all three chapters of Battle Pass Season XVI, you can complete the Elite Circuit as many times as you want until the end of the Battle Pass Season. It will earn you:

  • Vouchers: A new type of reward that randomly grants economic items—Free XP, credits, and components for Experimental Equipment.
  • Bonds: Earn these valuable resources as you continue progressing beyond the standard chapters.

Additionally, new tanks for Tokens will be available to you once Update 1.28 goes live.

Unique crew members for Battle Pass Season 16 (2025 spring).

🇵🇱Chapter 1: Tomasz Wojnowski (crew member).
A distinguished commander who always gets the job done. Tomas has two passions: armored vehicles and, as paradoxical as it may sound, nature. If he is not busy training with the crew, you will probably find him somewhere nearby, jotting down another interesting fact about the surrounding flora or fauna in his notebook. An inquisitive mind led this soldier to the jungles of central Africa, where his rich tank experience and passion for nature are fully revealed.

🇯🇵Chapter 2: Wataru Nakamura (crew member).
Wataru’s iron discipline doesn’t allow him to make a fuss out of nothing. However, his youth spent behind the wheel of a motorcycle makes itself felt and manifests itself in an endless love for cars and a passion for competition, as well as an absolute disregard for any rules. And although the wild days spent on the neon-drenched streets of Tokyo are long gone, his passion for intense competition has not disappeared, nor has his desire to improve every day.

🇩🇪Chapter 3: Conrad Hirsch (crew member).
Konrad comes from a secluded village hidden among the endless forests of southwestern Germany. He always dreamed of writing a great novel about his native land, because, without a doubt, nothing could surpass his beloved Black Forest! However, fate had other plans. The command sent him to the other side of the world to participate in testing the latest tanks. And although he misses the fresh mountain air, foreign landscapes inspire him to write new stories.

Additional: Angelique Diagne (crew member).
A gifted linguist, polyglot and experienced negotiator, Angelica masterfully copes with any, even the most difficult tasks. She easily finds an approach to people and does not get lost in stressful situations. Sometimes it seems that the more difficult the conditions, the more comfortable she is. There are rumors that in the past she participated in espionage operations. Angelica has never confirmed them, but she has never denied them either, and she always found an answer to any awkward question with her inherent charm and intelligence.

These crew members have three 100% skills to choose from.
• There is no unique voice acting.

New medal for BP-16

“Survival Instinct” –
• Awarded after completing all three chapters.
For certain achievements within the sixteenth season of the Battle Pass.

11 thoughts on “WoT 1.28 Common Test: Battle Pass Season 16 Early Details (Spring 2025)

    1. Lets hope they are finally historical and as such visible for everyone. So many clownish or not really historical ones last year. Make gritty war camos great again.

    1. probably not, because those were in cooperation with games workshop… that’s what i assume, could be wrong though

        1. Select either the E100, STB-1 or the Obj.430U – apply the 3d skin – click it to lvl 4

          et voulá, it will show you how much gold you need to complete the 3D Style

          btw, this works with all the unfinished 3d styles in your garage, but only if you managed to unlock at least lvl 1 – otherwise it’s not in your inventory to select

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