Gryphon (Great Britain, Tier-10, HT, promotional, mechanics: 2-round magazine with reverse reloading)
The vehicle has mechanics: a magazine with reverse reloading. If you forgot what it is, let us remind you:
The shell that is loaded first will have the fastest reload, and the following ones will take longer to load. For maximum DPM, first shoot the entire loaded magazine, and then you need to shoot only the first loaded shell.
• Average damage: 420/420/530
• Average armor penetration with AP: 273 mm
• Average armor penetration with APCR: 311 mm
• Average armor penetration with HE shell: 60 mm
• Reload time for entire magazine: 27.42 sec
• Reload time between projectiles: 2.5 sec
• First shell reload time: 8.2 sec
• Second projectile reload time: 19.2 sec
• Shells in the magazine: 2
• Turret traverse speed: 33.38 deg/s
• Vertical aiming angles: -10/20 deg
• Aiming time: 2.40 sec
• Accuracy at 100m: 0.36
• Average damage per minute: 3,056
• Shell velocity of AP projectile: 1,067 m/s
• Shell velocity of APCR projectile: 1,334 m/s
• Shell velocity of the HE projectile: 1,067 m/s
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 33.38
Strength (HP): 2,100
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 80/60/35
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 250/110/100
Track Repair time (sec): 11.7
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 49/53
Engine power (hp): 850
Specific power (hp/t): 17.35
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 43/15
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 4.73/0.9
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 2.39/0.45
View Range (m): 400
Crew of 4 people: Commander; Driver; Gunner; Loader (Radio Operator).
Role in combat: Universal heavy tank.
Category of special equipment: Survivability.
poor APCR pen
Might be in assembley shop?
I’d prefer that over the Czech DBV or DVB or whatever TD.
not this one that be shocking
Apologists defend this tank and Concept 1B by saying “the turret can be penned with gold ammo!”, it’s one of the worst WoT takes I’ve ever seen and says a lot about this community.
And this is why WG doesn’t listen to players … like you
Zero argument, typical of an internet troll. But go ahead, do tell us why WG listen to your group, I’m sure you have many tales to tell us.
Can the son of a freak that keeps on creating non sense multi shots pièces of turds tanks just be sacked…
This game is no longer about playing historical-ish tanks, it’s about Mario Karts.
Where we used to have a couple of clips tanks we now have 50 fucking % of the team that has a sort of shitty mechanics including double nonsense barrels.
When you have no balls you play clips and auto reloaders, and fuck knows that many players have 0 balls
agree, it feels like the game is more about ‘entertainment’ rather than realism. But maybe they’re doing it to appeal to those who aren’t interested in history
I agree with you, everything that is included in the game sometimes looks too weird and out of place. But you can always find alternatives, for example at Nova Jackpot , where there are many different options for entertainment