WoT EU: Third lot of the 2025 Winter Auction – K-91-2

• Lot: [NEW] K-91-2 (USSR, Tier-9, MT, premium)
• Type: Open auction (competitive bid shown)
• Price (credits): minimum price: 555,555 Credits
• Quantity: 5,555 pcs.

A variant of the K-91 with the frontal placement of the turret. This vehicle was developed by the Design Bureau of the Army Engineering Committee under the supervision of A. F. Kravtsev from March through August 1949.

The plan was to mount the 12-cylinder opposed-piston supercharger diesel engine. Mounting brackets with ski-shaped supports were used as support rollers. The development of the project was discontinued at the blueprint stage in December 1949.

16 thoughts on “WoT EU: Third lot of the 2025 Winter Auction – K-91-2

  1. Not exactly an exciting vehicle as far as I’m concerned, but well … it is sold for credits, so that’s nice.

  2. Sit back and laugh at those credit sinkers 😀 Let’s 100 fold the base price 😀 Just for those new generation FOMO eastern heroes

  3. People up in arms about the phönix…now paying est 140 euros conversion for a tier 9 rus med thats worse than tech tree. I can only laugh at this game.

    1. credit conversion rates are scam anyhow and even me as “slightly above average” (2800 WN8) player was able to farm 200M credits during holiday ops in ~600 games……

        1. Idk, that guy is cleary a tryhard sweatlord when he humblebrags about his WN8 beeing only slightly above average when its Top 3% according to server stats.

          That credit/game is definitely possible when you look at the server stats, some vehicles have ~150k earnings / 80k profit per game, server wide.
          When you know calculate for the
          multiplicative bonuses during the event and keep in mind that those stats are the avg. from the server and so many people are braindead 1 shot of damage monkeys, someone with his skill could certainly do that, many streamers did more then that with boosters etc.

          1. At best it would be around 200k pure profit on average, 333k on average would require you to have nothing but the best games all the time for a rung of 600. Not at all believable, especially considering the MM during Holiday Ops.

  4. Started at 555555 credits, already at 30 million and six/seven hours left. And it’s not even a strong tank.

    Keep whaling, let’s reach 100 million by the time the auction ends.

  5. It’s really quite sad what WGing did to the EU server, before the RU migration you could reliably get these offers for reasonable values in the auctions before the migration (I got my peregrine for barely more than the asking price). Now it’s monumentally overpaid for a few reasons – 1. They didn’t increase the quantities at all despite more than doubling the playerbase and 2. The vast majority of the migrated accounts were 24/7 botting accounts (that continue to bot to this day) with an insane reserve of resources that lets them grotesquely overpay for stuff like this.

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