WoT Supertest: Sand River Map Changes

The aim of the changes was to create more variation in positions, as well as establish a closer connection between different directions and vehicle classes.

1. In squares B8–B0, C7–C0, D7–D0, positions have been improved and new positions added. These changes aim to increase battle variability.


2. Similarly, in squares A5–A6, B5–B6, C5, positions have been enhanced, and new positions have been added to boost battle variability.

Before: After:

3. In squares D5–D6, E5–E6, terrain has been improved, with new positions and bushes added. These changes provide more tactical options for fast and maneuverable vehicles.

Before: After:

4. New bushes have been added to E4–F4 squares.

Before: After:

2 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Sand River Map Changes

  1. So they completely deleted the far northeast flank? Interesting change. And I like the gameplay around the smaller dunes on the north, thumbs up from me!

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