WOT Express: 6th Assembly Shop Leaks (winter 2025)

DATES: second half of February

+ from a previous post:

According to our information, Assembly 6 is fully ready and we expect it soon.

In 2024, the first Assembly Shop was carried out at the end of February, but this is if we focus on the previous year.

The tank will be: DBV-152 (Czechoslovakia, Tier-10, TD, promotional).
🚩 DBV-152 high alpha, accuracy, mobility and downward depression angles, given that the tank has a rear-mounted turret. At the same time, it has mediocre armor, so it is not worth going head-on.

During the initial tests the vehicle showed itself very well (IMB category). Perhaps it will be the best tank in the entire history of the Assembly Shop? We’ll see, because the performance characteristics are NOT final(!) and can still be adjusted by the time of release.

52 thoughts on “WOT Express: 6th Assembly Shop Leaks (winter 2025)

  1. I hope not, we just had 2 new rear-mounted turret tanks.. TS-60 & Toro… No more rocket , auto/reloader’s or clown cars.. Lets get a real tank that was actually made. Give the fantasy department a rest..

  2. I really hope this isn’t the case and we get the MBT-B as an assembly tank. DBV just looks awkward to play being rear turreted with limited gun depression , no armor, low heat pen for a td, low dpm

      1. DBV-152 is currently on the live server as of the 1.27.1 and according to WOT Express the auction takes place around the 22nd of january, that says to me that possibly the DBV will end up in auction. Same thing happened last year, they thought BZ-72-1 was going to be the assembly shop tank and it ended up in auction and the Obj. 452K went into assembly. Im hoping this happens.

  3. Most people consider the Grille a solid tank destroyer, so let’s point some things out in the comparison
    Raw DPM – the base 200 DPM gap is misleading, since the grille can not fit vents while the DBV can, since the DBV has a proper full turret.
    Armor – Grille is infamous for eating HE, very high priority for arty for easy damage, to the extent you might want reliable placement skill to lower that HE damage by 10%, while DBV can just stop most HE frontally
    Mobility – Grille seems faster but it absolutely needs the off-road driving skill to not be atrocious on soft terrain
    It’s harder to confirm this with the model viewers but the tank being better armoured but still significantly lighter than the grille implies this thing is going to be small and low to the ground.
    So the DBV has the following over the Grille 15:
    Pros –
    Slightly higher alpha, has to fire less often, exposes itself to return fire less often
    More armour, less worn down by arty, much less likely full penned by HE
    Massively better camo values, so spotted far less
    Full turret combined with better traverse values, it’s going to react to threats faster
    Cons –
    10 KPH slower, can’t reposition or chase as effectively
    100DPM less, slightly less effective in outright DPM duels
    Slightly less accurate, will miss more
    Or in other words, it’s a good little machine – as it currently is, WGing love their last minute and untested nerfs.

    1. There’s another thing that should be said – DBV’s turret rotation dispersion is MUCH better than Grille’s. Grille’s is 0.40. DBV’s is 0.16. This means the latter tank can turn the turret to track targets without the aiming wobbling and blooimg like crazy.

    2. I really hope its the DBV is the tank . Its not the same as all the other boring heavy tanks so far except the lion that was cool . I love the grille 15 and the 114 sp2 so im hoping this is true and it will be the next tank for the assembly shop. Its grille but better but yea im sure wargaming will nerf it into the ground before release WHY you may ask bc they hate tds and all tds get nerfed before or after release besides strv and actual premiums .

  4. Seb, WG changed the EULA and it’s banning people for 3, 7 ,14 and 30 days for “Major Game Bans” just because you win against a Streamer, a CC or a WG employee. I reported it on both the WoT Reddit and Discord servers and i got banned from both too as they are controlled by WG itself

    I know more people who also got banned for killing or winning against CCs and WG employees and got bans for it.

    1. 150% chances your are faking another one username trying to damage his reputation. Maybe 170%.

      1. He is actually right. WG modified the EULA on Update 1.27 and they have the rights to permaban you if they want. I got a 7 day ban just for killing Skill4LTU in a Squall, LOL

        1. No matter how many fake names you use, no one will believe you. Skill4ltu gets killed many times every day and nothing happens. Go tell your story somewhere else, if you’ve been blocked it will be because of some shit you’ve done.

          1. LOL, and this guy impersonated me. I got banned for 14 days for killing Orzanel and this guy comes here to impersonate me! And he blames people aboit impersonations when he impersonates others, LMAO!

          2. Actually we changed our EULA and we reserve the rights to suspend other players if we consider they obstaculize the video making or testing of our Press/CC/Employee accounts. And we can suspend you if we consider your speech is boycotting us.

    2. and i got banned 30 days because i fought against eekeeboo on a twitch stream and my team won. 2 of my teammates got 30 days of ban as well, guess this is wot’s end after all 🙂

        1. Tovarich Nerfeyev is a Wargaming Support ticket employee, LOL.

          Stop your injerence and your boycott and accept your EULA is dirty.

          1. I wish I had a job like this, keeping bitter trolls like you in check, spending their time impersonating others and spreading shit.

            1. We know your intentions and we know you work for WG Support. Please, stop the spam or i will ha e to report your credentials in order to get you banned from this website.

              1. Do you hear that music? It’s the smallest violin in the world and it’s playing your sad song…

                  1. Oh my god. I’m so sorry, did I make you cry? Sometimes I forget that behind all your fake accounts there’s a little troll, with feelings and longings, and banned from the game.

      1. One of the YouTubers did a video about quickybaby banning people and what an obnoxious cúnt he is.

        I can’t remember the YouTubers name. He’s the spastic one? Walle or something

          1. Someone smarter than you would have already realized that the avatar is associated with the name and email and is not repeated. Someone just a little smarter, an amoeba, plancton… you know.

            1. Someone smarter than you should mention to you that the avatar is only shared with the email and not the name as all is controlled by Gravatar, Mr Smart Guy. Also how can we know it’s not you making all this messages to autopromote yourself?

              Some Reddit posts about account bans recently state that some WarGaming personnel are message bombing forums and news websites in order to boycott the reports so they can keep suspending people’s accounts for EULA breaks.

    3. 30 ban days for me for killing a WG worker in a SFAC 105 and before i saw a guy who got a 30 ban days too for killing QuickyBaby in a Tesak on Onslaught as he was recording for a video. WarGaming deserves to go bankrupt.

        1. Guys, do you know that Tovarich Nerfeyev is actually one of the WG Support guys who message you if you send WG a ticket?

          LOL, WG injerences in The Armored Patrol!

          1. Come on, get all that anger out of you. What was it? Did you get caught with an illegal mod? Fixing games? Everything will work out, but first you have to accept yourself as you are.

            1. Come on, get all that anger out of you. What was it? Did you get caught with an illegal mod? Fixing games? Everything will work out, but first you have to accept yourself as you are.

  5. For real anyone who wants mbt b is crazy, they completely destroyed that thank, who tf wants a tier 10 tank with a gun like char mle 75 with no armor and terrible accuracy and bad gun handling??? Dbv-152 seems so much better, good gun, fast af, godlike camo values… Yes heat pen is not great but kme kme 🙁

    1. are you fucking stupid? lmao.. mbt-b is a faster foch b with a turret and 10 degrees of gun dep, it reloads and unloads its damage faster than a literal t10 TD. and .34 base accuracy is ‘terrible’ ? nah.. that’s the most asswipe take i have seen of that tank lol. just take 2 of these on a medium flank, and snowball the game, most t10 tanks will be deleted within 8 seconds of first shot. it’s outright broken af, it’s a wt-e100 with better armor, mobility, dpm and unload.

      1. 100 hull armor with 200 turret armor HEAVY TANK = shit, you would get penetrated everywhere, the turret is so flat literally from every angle. Gun seems pretty shit if you are not point blank, and that gun mechanic is terrible. So you think that no armor, shit gun heavy tank that has to be in your face all the time is good? WOW a 55kmh… So is this a medium tank under heavy classification, which cannot snipe or even bounce shots? I saw your comments under every iteration and I must say every time you open your mouth people lose brain cells.
        1st iteration MBT was godlike tank, this one would flop assembly shop even more than vickers3 did.

        1. Good luck hitting second shot after clicking once
          • Reload time of entire magazine: from 38.35 to 33.56 sec
          • Intraclip reload time: from 3.00 to 3.50 sec
          • Reload time between shots: from 0.25 to 0.50 sec
          • Rate of fire: from 7.98 to 8.56

          • Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.40 sec
          • Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.33 to 0.34
          • Spread after shot: from 2.00 to 2.50
          • Dispersion from movement(Max): from 0.20 (11.00) to 0.25 (13.75)
          • Dispersion from hull traverse (max): from 0.20 (8.34) to 0.25 (10.43)
          • Dispersion from turret traverse (max): from 0.08 (3.34) to 0.06 (2.50)

          1. mf do you even play the game? 2.5 base after shot dispersion is NOTHING, put a stabs on and it’ll go down to 2 and that’s the same as char mle. most tanks have after shot dispersion of 3.5 or upwards, gun handling again is deserved for the sort of firepower it has and you won’t be clipping on the move… it has the best turret traverse dispersion in the game which will go down even further with stabs to 0.04, which is practically no bloom whatsoever, which means you can shoot very well even with your turret moving. accuracy 0.34 base is bad? bruh you are just a noob lmao, with crew it’s .33 and with skill and food it’ll be .30, put field mods on and you’ll have .29 dispersion, top all that off with medium tank mobility, sub 30 seconds reload it’ll get (fully kitted out) which’ll give it a dpm of 4k+.

        2. bruh, literally the most tomato take i have seen lmao. ‘heavy with no armor = shit’ , lmfao.. you don’t need to worry about armor when your target won’t be able to put more than 1 shot in you. 1st iteration of mbt was a chieftain but american, lmao.. obviously a tank with no hull down weaknesses would be god-like and it’s the last thing we need in the game.

    2. That was before they changed it. Again. Now it’s like an AMC 50b, but with the lion’s autorelaoader (first shot takes longest to load, 2nd shot is shortest to load)

  6. The DBV came into the Gamefiles with the new Update, so there’s no Doubts that this will be the Tank for the Assembly Shop.

      1. Exactly! Auction house is first, it will start probably on 22 of January, while Assembly is in second part of February!

  7. From end, it have it`s survival based on better camo and mobility than armour and health;
    We can summarize offensive power with a mix of 268/5 alpha/DPM and 114 accuracy.

    I really few words, it is a 114 Bro with more mobility and less punch. Bot are good sniper.
    I have 114 and enjoy it.
    DVB is for massimize damage and survival with dynamic playstyle uppercut and relocate,
    instead do it with choose a side and jabs like 114.

    So good or not depend by right use and own preferred playstyle.

  8. There are now too many TDs in the game, which are also rarely played in the roles intended for them (bush and red line camping). Matchmakings with 6 TDs and more are no longer a rarity and reduce the dynamics of the game to a minimum. If the matchmaker adds three or four light tanks and two or three artillery pieces, the game comes to a standstill and is for the rectum right from the start. TDs in mass are pure poison for the game. Medium and heavy tanks should make the game. A healthy MM should have a maximum of three TDs, one recon and one artillery. But the MM is far, far away from that. Should the part really come in the assembly hall, this will be the first assembly hall in which I don’t “assemble” a vehicle.

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