The Update 1.27.1 introduces a new line of four British twin-barreled heavies. These imposing lads combine good protection with decent mobility and tactical flexibility, switching between firing modes at any time to make a precise long-range shot or deliver a powerful double punch in close combat.
Discover the New Line: Tiers VII to X
The new Brits are sturdy, reliable, and ambidextrous—but also brutally handsome. The muzzle caps on the guns that open when the tank is ready to fire are a fashion statement!
In the Single Fire mode, each barrel fires alternately with good accuracy and aiming speed. The Salvo Fire mode is for close range, offering double damage and improved stabilization but impaired mobility, accuracy, turret traverse speed, and aiming time. Switch between the modes anytime by pressing “X”: This is quick and does not affect your movement, reloading, or DPM.
does the exploit remain?
So far, yes.
2 exploits accuracy and dpm
Shut up, don’t care
Stfu moron!