WoT: Leaked Balance Changes of the German E-100 Branch

  • ⬆️ Tier X, E-100 (BUFFED)
  • ⬆️ Tier IX, E-75 (BUFFED)
  • ⬆️ Tier VIII, Tiger II (BUFFED)

E-100 (Germany, Tier-10, HT, techtree). Changes relative to the 1.27.0 base:


  • Turret rotation speed: from 20 to 22 deg/s
  • Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.39 to 0.37
  • Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell: from 246 to 255 mm


  • Turret front armor: from 270 to 280 mm

E-75 (Germany, Tier-9, HT, techtree). Changes relative to the base 1.27.0:


Turret – E 75 Ausf. A [Stock]
Gun – 10.5 cm KwsPz.K. L/68 [preTOP]

  • Gun loading: from 10.30 to 9.40 sec
  • Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.34 to 0.31
  • Aiming time: from 2.3 to 2.2 sec
  • Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell: from 225 to 239 mm

Turret – E 75 Ausf. B [TOP]
Gun – 10.5 cm KwsPz.K. L/68 [preTOP]

  • Gun loading: from 9.1 to 9.0 sec
  • Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.34 to 0.30
  • Aiming time: from 2.3 to 2.0 sec
  • Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell: from 225 to 239 mm

Gun – 12.8 cm Kw.K. Ausf. E [TOP]

  • Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell: from 246 to 255 mm


Turret – E 75 Ausf. B [TOP]

  • Turret front armor: from 245 to 260 mm
  • Turret side armor: from 120 to 140 mm

Engine – Maybach HL 230 TRM P45 [Stock]

  • Engine power: from 700 to 800 hp

Tiger II
(Germany, Tier-8, HT, techtree). Changes relative to the base 1.27.0:


  • Removed gun – 10.5 cm KwsPz.K. L/52 [preTOP]


Turret – Tiger II Turm Nr. 1-50 [Stock]
Gun – 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 mod.Vlt [Stock]

  • Gun loading: from 7.8 to 7.5 sec
  • Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.34 to 0.32
  • Aiming time: from 2.5 to 2.3 sec

Turret – Tiger II Serienturm [TOP]
Gun – 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 mod.Vlt [Stock]

  • Gun loading: from 7.8 to 7.3 sec
  • Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.34 to 0.30
  • Aiming time: from 2.3 to 2.1 sec


Turret – Tiger II Turm Nr. 1-50 [Stock]

  • Turret front armor: from 100 to 200 mm

A preliminary review of the changes in the performance characteristics of the techtree vehicles, which was sent to EU bloggers, from the upcoming update, has leaked onto the Internet.

❗️ IMPORTANT: these are preliminary changes and the performance characteristics may still be changed before the 1.27.1 Common Test! Keep this in mind.

18 thoughts on “WoT: Leaked Balance Changes of the German E-100 Branch

    1. This is just the stock configuration. It will ease up the stock grind. Nothing will change about the top E75, other then the armour buffs (although I can’t find the 245 mm plate that is to be buffed to 260).

    1. The only tanks that need slight buff is the E100 but Tiger 2 + E75 too strong already

      1. Tiger 2 got only buffs to stock gun so no change ro the top configuration. It just mean that it will be easier to grind through it.

  1. Fire power changes to the E100 are nice. Personally I would like to see all the 750 alpha HT rebalanced around 650 (just leave TDs at 750). Really doesn’t need the armour buff, maybe a bump in top speed to 35km/h instead?

    Stock E75 buffs are nice, as are those for the Tiger II, it would have been nice if the VK45.02 A/B got similar, but I digress. Top E75 gun absolutely does not need a buff.

    1. I see where you are coming with this from, however think about it: If E100’s big gun had 650 alpha, it wouldn’t be a significant step up from the small gun with 530 alpha.

    1. you know, this is only the 8,8. he still has the 10,5 gun. 😉

      all in all: the turret armor buff of E100 is welcome, with its nominal angle this would mean close to 320 mm effective armor. angle the turret slightly and the HEAT spammers will hate this.

      E75 is already fine in my book.

      the buff to Tiger IIs stock turret is welcome for all thos to grind through it. and the 8,8 L71 will be insane for Frontline etc., where you don’t need the pen and alpha of the 10,5. dpm and acc will be crazy.

      1. You are right, they didn’t remove the L68! Puh, even with all these buffs, a Tiger 2 with 280 Alpha would be a complete mess.

  2. Most buffs for the Tiger 2 and E75 are for the stock grind, cause they can be really hard to fight with at stock.

    1. Yeah, it’s very weird that WG didn’t do anyhting about it, when they buffed Panzer VII back in March-April.

    1. Dude, 10 mm are not much. When you angle, it will be an effective increase of 13-14 mm tops. So it’s a nice touch, but nothing significant.

      1. Haha, you are right, I know, but I thought about how I farm them in my 279 or chief and after buff of armor and specially after nerf of pen on both of them I wont be able to pen them so reliably, when they wiggle their turrets (I know, the weakspots still will be there)… I meant it as a sarcasm… or pity… Anyway, I played a lot E100 some 10 years before, not a single game played after that… I dont care about that line anymore…

  3. Nice they give Buffs to german tanks. When do they give buffs to Maus tech line? Literally an insult for average Maus enyojer seeing E100 buffed when they had the same 12.8mm gun changed on E100 and E75, but not on Maus or Mäuschen

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