GSOR the TANK (Great Britain, Tier-9, MT, promotional) was released on December 19 in a micropatch immediately after release.
Average damage: 390/480/480
Average armor penetration (mm): 268/210/105
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 5.22
Loading of the gun (sec): 11.51
Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 31.29
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 37.55
Gun depression/elevation (deg): -11/10
Aiming time (sec): 2.4
Accuracy at 100 m: 0.34
Average damage per minute: 2,034
Strength (HP): 1,700
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 100/50/38
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 152/51/38
Track Repair time (sec): 8.02
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 44/47
Engine power (hp): 750
Specific power (hp/t): 17.05
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 40/17
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 12.2/2.55
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 9.12/1.91
View Range (m): 390
Historical Reference:
A major modernization variant of the standard design for the Charlemagne heavy tank. It was developed in the early 1960s as part of the British GSOR program. The vehicle was equipped with the oscillating turret of the planned GSOR 1008 tank destroyer. The project went no further than blueprints.
Tank sucks.. But the very least wg let players have premium credit earning in it if your going to make the free tier 9s absolutely trash of being a tier 7.5 tank instead of it acting like a 9…
That not going happen. Giving a Free Tier 9 Premium without doing any missions, battlepass or earning it.
Its good they giving our the Tier 9 Rewards Tanks
no, it isnt. it just fills tier 9 with bots, and the tank is an actual handicap for the team that has it, not to mention 95% of the players who will use it
I’d like to see those alleged ‘blueprints’.
I honestly don’t know why they didn’t just keep the Charlemagne’s hull armour. Would honestly be pretty avg for a tier 9 MT
Today is gsor the tank farming day
If only these free ones were T8s. I could at least use them in Frontline. Don’t care for and will never use these in garbage Randoms.
I totally agree. I don’t play tier 9