Pushes American pre WW2 “more dakka!” design philosophy so far that the coax protudes way father than the main gun. I like this little goofy dude, and as with the other low tiers gift tanks I’ll keep it if only to bask in the glory of that design in the garage from time to time.
Cool, another free garage slot…
why??? i have 250 garage slort, this can’t help u in BP games.. Great gift WG… NOT
Should be a tier 2 light or medium tank. All of Christie’s tanks should be tier two and not three.
People still play Tier 3??
Pushes American pre WW2 “more dakka!” design philosophy so far that the coax protudes way father than the main gun. I like this little goofy dude, and as with the other low tiers gift tanks I’ll keep it if only to bask in the glory of that design in the garage from time to time.
Nobody plays tier 3, they have to release these to keep the playerbase somewhat present down there