WoT 1.27 Common Test: Prototipo 6 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Prototipo 6 (Italy, Tier-8, MT, premium, mechanics: magazine with a reloading system for 3 shells)

Historical Reference:

Towards the end of the 1950s, the projects of German designers interested the Italian military. Ideas began to appear for a 30-ton tank similar to the Standardpanzer that was being developed in Germany. A 6-roller chassis was chosen for Prototipo 6.

The vehicle was similar to the Standardpanzer of Group A, but with its own specifics. Also, initially, the stake was made on welded turrets, and the armament was developed on the basis of American tank guns. However, the prototype was never built. Due to cost savings, the Italian military decided to wait until the end of the Standardpanzer program and buy a finished product.

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