Chrysler MTC 2TC (USA, Tier-8, premium)
Accuracy at 100 meters changed from 0.38 to 0.4
Dispersion when traversing the turret from 0.12 to 0.14
Aiming time from 2.11 sec to 2.4 sec.
Reverse speed decreased from 20 km/h to 18 km/h.
Penetration of the base shell from 225 mm decreased to 212. mm
Penetration of the gold shell from 255 mm decreased to 248. mm
Gold shell flight speed decreased from 1.400 m/s to 1.200 m/s
Object 265T (USSR, Tier-9, HT, premium mechanics: 3-round magazine with reverse reloading)
Turret rotation speed changed from 31.29 deg/s to 26.07 deg/s.
Maximum speed from 35 km/h to 40 km/h.
Prototipo 6 (Italy, Tier-8, MT, premium, mechanics: magazine with a 3-round reloading system)
Reloading shells: from 13.9/11/9.1 sec. changed to 15.34 /11.51/9.59 sec.
Specific power from 22 hp to 20 hp.
*taken from infocord
World of premium tanks on and on and on.
No new maps or game modes or anything.
But the same players who moan about WG queue up to buy Xmas premium tanks.
Speaking about the maps, whenever a new map is added, people cry that it’s shit and they have to block it. So WG are kinda discouraged to add new maps, when the playerbase will scream at them for adding a new map. Unfortunate, but that’s the way it is.
I myself like pretty much all new maps, so I’m an advocate for new maps being added (maybe 2 maps per year). But the majority of the playerbase disagrees with me.
I bet most people are like you and have no issues with new maps, however the detractors are incredibly loud about it on social media (chances are they are paper med or light tank players, the classes most harmed by maps being corridors).
Probably because every new map added is a corridor base garbage, and needs to be changed after few months. Outpost, Oyster Bay, Chinese Wall and every map “rebalance” just makes them worse, adds hull down positions everywhere, and corridors in which you are sitting for eternity or gets rolled.