Analyzing Ways How to Make Money Playing Video Games in 2024 (P)

Video gaming has done a lot of evolving, from crude cassettes to bespoke consoles and applications. These upgrades, together with the explosive media space, have created a lot of possibilities. Video gaming is a full-blown entertainment enterprise in 2024, with standard operations. There are now opportunities like never before.

What could be better than making money from a seemingly “mere hobby”? You are just in the right spot if you’re looking to monetize your fondness for video games in 2024.

Can You Really Get Paid To Play Video games?

Satoru Iwata, Japanese Video Game Programmer – “Video games are meant to be just one thing: Fun! Fun for everyone.”

Earning money and playing video games used to sound surreal and extraordinary. Not in 2024. As you continue to follow, you will find a way to make money that appeals to you, as there are so many. Given, most financially successful gamers are in the elite class when it comes to skill and reputation. But you won’t necessarily need to become the next Jesse Vainikka to make some money from video gaming.

So the big answer is yes, you can make money playing video games and with the skills you’ve acquired from it.

Ways How To make money from video games

You’ll make money playing games the same as every other endeavor. By offering something someone is willing to pay for. Now if you are intentional about getting paid for gaming, you’ve most likely developed an expertise at it. So all we’re doing is proffer certain proven opportunities to monetize your efforts. Let’s get into the tips.

Live Streaming while playing

If you’ve been around video games recently at all, you’ve definitely heard of streaming. Essentially where you broadcast a live gaming session to an audience on streaming platforms. Streaming is probably the most straightforward way to generate some income with video gaming. That is because, most times, you’ll only need to show up and play.

The earning part isn’t so straightforward. Typically, the more people your broadcast reaches the more opportunities you get to generate income from streaming. We’re talking regular sponsorships, ad revenue, fan gifting, and monetization. The good side of the struggle is that once things get going, you’ll probably be making enough to relish the experience. The only intricacy here is getting as many viewers as possible.

Whilst you don’t need to get to the top to start earning, getting a fanbase is very important. It ensures a steady inflow of viewers on each of your broadcasts. It doesn’t need to be in the hundreds of thousands, just a decent average viewer base.

To get started you would want to consider steaming networks with a large base of video game followers. These include;

  • YouTube

  • Twitch

  • Facebook Gameroom

  • Dlive

Being lucrative also means significant competition on these platforms. So the place of intentionality can not be overemphasized. You are basically an entertainer, so you’d need to entertain a good number to be recognized by the platform’s algorithms.

Create Game guides on video platforms

Aside from live streaming, you can also build an audience from video game vlogging. It is similar to streaming in many ways, especially with its income streams. However, instead of live streaming, you create tutorials and guides to cater to the interests and needs of your audience. Unlike streaming, which is mostly aimed at entertaining, creating video game content serves both entertainment and coaching purposes.

Especially if you are into a variety of games, you can take turns making content for each one. Be intentional about your content. Pass the hard levels, show off the cool tricks, have fun, and do both the basic and intense stuff. Whatever seems appropriate for your audience per time. The goal is not just to gain followership, but to actually contribute immensely to their entertainment and video gaming expertise.

Along the line, once you build an audience, you can explore the same monetization schemes as streaming. These include ads, subscriptions, sponsored videos, and the rest.

Become a video game Journalist

Video game journaling is a much more professional approach to generating income from video games. Although it could still be practiced as a side hustle. It is much different from content creation and streaming. Your job description will be that of a reporter and influencer.

Seeing how video game companies, tournaments, and pro players are constantly on the move, a place for constant correspondence is created. As a video game Journalist, you will be the bridge between creators, developers, pro players in the industry, and the vast audience. You’ll report, create, and update.

These updates will cover reviews of new games, game updates, major video game tournaments, and generally every newsworthy development within the ecosystem. To get started with Journaling, you’d need proficiency in writing and speaking. Not to forget in-depth knowledge and understanding of the industry.

Set up a media page, maybe pages, reach out, discover, belong, attend major events, vlog, blog and keep your audience updated on relevant occurrences. Once you are settled in, you can start earning with paid adverts, sponsorships, and other streams.


This is an unconventional one, but if you do understand video gaming in and out, there is money to be made through Gambling. Casino video games are no longer news in 2024. There are a lot of online casino reviews circulating on the net. Read the review low deposit online casinos at CasinoCanada and decide whether it’s worth it to try your hand at such an exciting and exciting activity at the lowest possible cost

With some expertise in regular casino video games like Bingo, Poker, and Baccarat, you can start making some money from winning game rounds at your favorite casino. It can be that easy. Nevertheless, you should be conscious of the “chance” factor involved in gambling on casino video games.

In all, find a decent casino, select your favorite games, be it video poker, slot games, or live roulette, and get to playing. Be sure to monitor your winnings and curtail your losses. You’re aiming to make some extra cash off your video gaming expertise and not lose unnecessarily.

Video Game Testing

Testing video games goes hand in hand with Journaling and content creation. That is because you may never get an invitation from companies involved in game development or individual game developers if you are not experienced in the field. In essence, you’ll need something going for yourself to set your feet in this endeavor.

As a video game tester, you’d be contracted to run and test video game modules that are yet to hit the market before they get launched to the iOS app store or Android store.

Companies do this during the development phase of games after completing their evaluations. In a bid to collate external opinions on any overlooked features or issues, they reach out to known video game enthusiasts, creators, and influencers who have some expertise.

Most times, the company or developer will be specific with what they want from you. Other times you may just need to perform routine evaluations. All the same, you’ll get paid for trying out unreleased games about to hit the market.

Participate in Gaming Tournaments

Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, League of Legends Champion – “When I am playing, I am not thinking about winning or losing. I am just focused on playing my best.”

Now if you are very confident in your gaming skills and competitive ability, you can take playing to the next level and become a professional. This entails participating in professional video game tournaments and competitions to win prize money. To get started, you may want to specialize in a game or two, something in vogue.

Many of the most popular video game tournaments are themed on one game or the other. So being a jack of all trades but master of none won’t serve you well. Secondly, you’ll most likely need a team, as lots of video game tournaments feature group players. So you’ll either seek and join an already existing team, or create one.

Before trying out for the big stages, you can sharpen your skills and build a reputation with local online tournaments. Aside from prize money, there are lots of brands and companies willing to sponsor the very best of individual players or teams. Overall, sharpen your skills, join gaming communities, choose a tournament, bid for entry, and give it your best shot.

Here are some beginner-friendly platforms where you can join simple video game tournaments for a start;

  • Challenger mode

  • RivalX

  • Riot Games



Fun fact: PewDiePie, a Swedish gamer and influencer is considered the richest gamer in the world, with an estimated net worth of $45 million in 2024.


In the end, there are so many options to go with. Just as long as you have the skill and experience, monetizing your video gaming journey should not be too tough. Nevertheless, it’s 2024 and everything is super competitive.

As such, a little diligence and determination here and there would be ideal to keep the grind.

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