How Does a Previous Conviction Impact a New DUI Case? (P)

Perception in the Court

In Scottsdale, if you are charged with DUI and you have to appear before the court, it is important to have legal representation. Hiring a DUI defense lawyer in Scottsdale will go a long way in helping you get the best defense. But when you have a prior conviction, it will influence the perception the court will have of you. Even though the court and judges strive to be objective, a previous conviction says a lot about your character.

Influence on Plea Bargaining

Every DUI case is unique, as such the defense strategy your lawyer will use varies depending on the specifics of the case. As such, if your DUI defense lawyer chooses to make a plea bargain, having a prior lawsuit case can sometimes make it more challenging. Often, prosecutors are less likely to reduce the charges they press on a DUI case when the offender has a prior conviction. Or if prosecutors perceive that it’s a pattern of behavior of the accused, they are less likely to offer lenient terms in a plea bargain.

Re-evaluation of your Driving Privileges

When charged with a DUI you can have your driver’s license suspended. If you have a prior conviction, it can lead the Department of Motor Vehicle to scrutinize your driving record to determine if you are fit to have a driving license. If records show you have multiple DUIs, the DMV can invoke an extended license suspension or worse a permanent revocation of your driving license.

Elevate Penalties

Having a prior conviction depending on what you were convicted for can lead to heightened penalties. If your previous conviction was for DUI, and you are charged with a new DUI case, within the succession of 10 years you will face a harsher penalty. However, if the last DUI case was over 10 years ago, then the court would be a lot more lenient. Some of the penalties you may face include but are not limited to the extended length of mandatory DUI education program, higher fines, longer driver’s license suspension, and so on.

Sentencing and Probation Terms

Also, it is important to state that being charged with DUI is a punishable offense that can lead to jail time. If you were previously under probation, a new DUI case can cause the court to impose even stricter terms. For example, a DUI case can make the court mandate attendance in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, frequent check-ins, installation of an Ignition Interlock Device, and so on.

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