WoT RU: CS-63 “Wolf” Detailed Stats

CS-63 “Wolf” (Poland, Tier-10, MT, promotional, mechanics: turbo engine mode, autoloader with 4 shells)

Average damage: 320/320/420
Average armor penetration (mm): 258/315/53
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 8,01
Loading of the gun (sec): 23,97/5/4 (magazine/between intraclip/quantity) 
Shell Container (sec): 0,5/2/2 (intraclip/shells quantity/containers quantity)
Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 52,15
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 50,06
Gun elevation/depression (deg): -8/20
Aiming time (sec): 2,21/3,36
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,36
Average damage per minute: 2 563
Strength (HP): 2 000
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 80/50/40
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 260/60/40
Track Repair time (sec): 12,03
Engine power (hp): 900
Engine Power (Turbo) (h.p.): 1 150
Specific power (hp/t): 18,12/28,15
Top Speed/Reverse (km/h): 55/15
Top Speed/Reverse (Turbo) (km/h): 70/20
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 4,96/0,76
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 2,51/0,38
Stationary Vehicle (Turbo) (%): 14,8/3,09
Moving Vehicle (Turbo) (%): 11,84/2,47
View Range (m): 400


I don’t understand what’s happening. I install a new hydraulic clutch, and the transmission starts overheating. I put the old one back, and the input shaft starts vibrating wildly. The tolerances are within spec, nothing is loose, everything is in place. And I haven’t even gotten to the injection system yet, which has its own demons that I can’t seem to catch. Problems keep popping up one after another, and the inspection team is coming tomorrow. What kind of engine is this? And these are your cutting-edge technologies? Is this what you’re going to proudly present as the new main battle tank? There was a chance to use a great engine from… What was it called again? Auf… Auf… Aufklärungspanzer Panther! The technology there is simpler, and the reliability is higher. But no, let’s use everything new. It doesn’t work, but at least it’s new. Nothing is right. The only consolation is that the name we finally chose for the tank won a respectable twelfth place in the naming contest. At least that’s something.

One thought on “WoT RU: CS-63 “Wolf” Detailed Stats

  1. Any chance we’ll get seperate categories for WG WoT and Lesta WoT any time soon? They’re as much different games as WoT and WoWS by now…

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