5 Surprising Life Skills You Can Learn from Playing World of Tanks (P)

Each time you play World of Tanks, you don’t just have fun but also get an opportunity to learn an important life skill. You can apply these valuable skills in real-life situations, like when you find yourself driving on a hostile road or job hunting in a highly competitive industry.

Let’s take a look at some of these useful skills and how you can take them from the virtual world to the real world.

Patience – Knowing When to Act

If you have a habit of acting irrationally, especially when you are under pressure, WoT is a great game to help you adjust. The game teaches you how to wait for the right moment to make your move if you don’t want to get annihilated. For example, if you find yourself in a traffic accident and the police get involved, patience will allow you to keep quiet until your Rockford car accident lawyer is present. If you are impatient, you may say or do something that will attract additional charges.

Strategic Thinking – Preparing for Success

Each time you play WoT, you must think for yourself and for your enemy at the same time. With strategic thinking, you can quickly adjust your game plan within a moment’s notice to get the higher ground. When you are a strategic thinker, you will be able to break down large tasks into more manageable ones and allocate resources accordingly. This brings us to our next point.

Resource Management – Prioritizing for Success

Every experienced WoT player is a master at managing resources as this is a crucial skill for survival in the game. The game teaches you how to allocate limited resources and prioritize for maximum efficiency. Resource management is an essential life skill that will help you during regular and professional activities. It also teaches you how to avoid waste while chasing your goals.

Teamwork – Collaborating Towards Victory

WoT is a multiplayer game, and success depends on collaboration. As you and your teammates play against the opposing team, you learn the importance of working as part of something greater than yourself. It goes without saying that collaboration skills are useful in the real world for multiple reasons. WoT teaches you how to share ideas and build solid relationships with those you work with and share a common goal with.

Adaptability – Changing With the Wind

WoT players usually start the game with a predetermined strategy that all team members agree to follow. However, strategy can only take you so far in the heat of battle. There are times when you’ll need to think on your feet and improvise when your strategy proves ineffective. One study by PwC revealed that 83% of workers believe that adaptability is one of the most crucial skills for employability in today’s competitive workforce. Playing WoT gives you a perfect chance to boost this skill and improve your resume at the same time.

Games are for entertainment, but they don’t have to be for fun alone if you know how to identify hidden gems. As you’ve seen in this piece, WoT has proven efficient as an excellent tool for boosting multiple transferable skills, from strategic thinking to adaptability.

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