WoT: Widespread Vehicle Rebalancing in Update 1.26

We continue to systematically enhance your gameplay experience by updating vehicles of various tiers and types. In Update 1.26, we’ll undertake a comprehensive rebalancing of 18 vehicles across three branches, ensuring they remain competitive and enjoyable.

Additionally, we’re revising the logic for researching different vehicle modules in these branches, improving vehicle stock configurations, and boosting the performance of five Premium vehicles to make them more competitive.

Refer to the patch notes of Update 1.26 at the end of the article for a complete list of all the rebalancing changes.


  • Improvements for Tier X Vehicles and Their Branches
  • Module Reworking
  • Enhanced Stock Configurations
  • Improvements for Premium Tier VIII Vehicles

Improvements for Tier X Vehicles and Their Branches

We’ve focused on three specific branches, updating outdated and less popular vehicles starting from Tier V. These changes improve performance within their tier and gameplay role. While our primary focus was Tier X vehicles, we’ve also refreshed all tanks in their respective branches. Here are the updates for top-tier tanks.

  • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

Enhanced gun handling, reduced aiming time, and increased ammunition capacity make the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t even more precise and dangerous in battle.

  • M48A5 Patton

The M48A5 Patton now features improved gun dispersion, faster aiming, and a more powerful engine, offering better mobility and firepower.

  • K-91

Faster reload times and full 360-degree turret rotation significantly enhance the K-91’s versatility and combat effectiveness.

Module Reworking

Starting from Tier V (and Tier VI for the Soviet branch), the module research paths have been streamlined for clarity and efficiency in all three branches above. Less useful modules have been removed or replaced, and some new modules have been introduced to ensure your gameplay comfort.

  • Removed Modules: historical modules conflicting with gameplay.
  • New Modules: added with better characteristics.

The cost of the remaining modules in XP will not change, and the cost of the removed modules will not be redistributed to the remaining ones.

Before:After: Before: After: Before: After:

Note that one specific module, the SA32L gun (75 mm) for the AMX ELC bis, will be entirely removed from the game.

If this gun was mounted on a tank, it will be replaced with a new stock module. If the gun was in the Depot, it will be sold for its cost price in credits.

Changes to Radio Modules

We’ve made especially significant changes to the radio modules across the three rebalanced branches. Previously, vehicles had two or three radio modules to research and install, which often did not provide a noticeable improvement in vehicle performance.

  • Reduction to Single Radio: From Tier VI onward, all vehicles in the rebalanced branches will now have only one radio module—the top one. This decision was made to simplify the upgrade path and reduce the time you spend researching modules that do not significantly impact performance.
  • Immediate Maximum Parameters: The new radio module will provide the maximum communication range right from the start.
  • Impact on Gameplay: By reducing the number of radio modules, we ensure more straightforward and efficient progression as you upgrade your vehicles.

Enhanced Stock Configurations

Playing with stock modules has always been one of the more challenging aspects of mastering a vehicle compared to fully upgraded tanks. Our goal is to simplify and improve the initial gameplay experience, making it more engaging from the start.

We’ve made the following improvements to the stock configurations across the rebalanced branches:

  • Outdated Modules: Outdated modules will mostly be removed or replaced with existing ones of a higher rank, though some new modules will also be introduced.
  • Gameplay Comfort: Enhanced for easier and more enjoyable entry into new vehicles.

By upgrading the stock configurations, we aim to make it easier to master new vehicles, reducing the gap between stock and top configurations. You can now achieve better results without the frustration of starting with less effective stock setups.

Improvements for Premium Tier VIII Vehicles

We’ve also improved five Premium vehicles to increase combat effectiveness and overall gameplay comfort.

  • VIIIWZ-111 model 6: Improved rotation and turret speed, better aiming time, and increased piercing power make this tank more agile and effective in combat.
  • VIIIAltProto AMX 30: Improved rotation and turret speed, faster reload, and better turret rotation for increased damage output and maneuverability.
  • VIII59-Patton: Reduced aiming time, higher damage and armor values, and improved turret rotation make it more resilient and dangerous in battle.
  • VIIIAMX Canon d’assaut 105: Faster movement and rotation, reduced aiming and reload time, and increased HP for improved survivability and firepower.
  • VIIIIS-5 (Object 730): Improved movement and rotation speed, better turret rotation, reduced aiming time, and smaller shot dispersion radius for better accuracy and mobility.

We will closely monitor these changes and analyze your feedback on all rebalanced vehicles. Prepare to enjoy the improved gameplay and stay tuned for future rebalancing updates!

One thought on “WoT: Widespread Vehicle Rebalancing in Update 1.26

  1. Initially advertised as “comprehensive rebalancing”, then reduced to “widespread rebalancing” lol. And that is still misleading, “A small handful of token buffs to keep up appearances” would have been more fitting.

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