WoT Supertest: KV-4 Turchaninov

The KV-4 Turchaninov, a Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank. The KV-4 Turchaninov stands out from other tanks in the KV-4 series due to its gun, which is optimized for close combat.

It features excellent stabilization, 300 HP of damage per shot, and a reload time of 8.1 seconds, resulting in high DPM. However, the gun has mediocre accuracy, so this tank doesn’t suit the role of a sniper.

Another advantage of this vehicle is its armored turret, which lacks pronounced vulnerable zones, making it effective to play in a hull-down position.

In other respects, the tank fulfills the role of an assault heavy tank: it has a high HP value of 1,650 and good hull armor, but poor dynamic characteristics (with a top speed of 30 km/h and a reverse speed of 12 km/h).

7 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: KV-4 Turchaninov

  1. That “turret which lacks pronounced vulnerable zones, making it effective to play in a hull-down position” looks like would only bounce tier 8 tanks that don’t load gold. And not even 320 alpha…

  2. Hopefully they add the rest of the KV-4 tanks. Some of the designs are truly ugly and unique

  3. When it says “has excellent stabilization” what does that even mean? Relative to what? Hard to believe this without the soft stats data (turret traverse bloom, moving bloom, etc) being displayed.

  4. already on lesta version of the game, unless they make changes, it has trash turret that gets penned with all regular tier 9 guns and most of tier 8s. speed is abysmal also!

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