ST-62 Version 2 (USSR, Tier-10, MT, premium, magazine for 3 shells with reverse reloading)
For clan members in future events.
• With Unique gunmarks
Second wind –
“Badaev often repeated that in some situations you just need to believe in your victory. And he knew what he was talking about: he was the one who never got out of trouble. The quality of steel and the number of fighters are incredibly important, but sometimes this is not the most important thing. Whatever the situation, faith in success must be stronger than fear. This is the only way to preserve the remnants of self-control when you find yourself in hell. And already under a hail of shells, under heavy fire from the enemy, sooner or later a second of enlightenment will come. A moment of battle that will give freedom and change a person forever. From that moment on, nothing can knock him off track and make him back down. So there is only one thing left – to win.”
Historical. Group: Special. Tech. price: 3000 gold. Only for the ST-62 var. 2. Maximum per account: 1. ID: 939.
Doesn’t look very strong. Does this one have turbo rockets?
looks weak? do you see the shape of healthy eyes similar to obj.907 and obj.279e??? plus autoloader…mwuahahahaha another op tank!
The skin looks nice.
The tank has better turret than the 907’s but the hull is much less trollish.
5 less top speed for a little bit better hp/t, but this thing is a frontline tank, so it doesn’t really matter.
The gun is optimized for those cheeky bursts. 960 dmg in 4s is not bad at all, then you have 70% DPM of the 907.
This tank is less of a brawler compared to the 907.
Against lower tiers, it’s worse than the 907 but in tier 10 battles, it’s a more consistent tank just because of the burst.
Unlike Italian autoreloaders which suffer from bursting out the whole mag, this thing can keep going with the team after the initial 3 shots, just with a bit slower pace.
Consider it has a reliable turret, which enables a lot of aggressive plays, this thing will probably end up being one of the best tier 10 MTs.
It’s hard to tell if it’s better than the 907 or not for a single reason, the hull armor.
If a 907 meets a lot of tourists then it’s simply the best tank in the game due to its dmg-farming ability.
There’s one certain thing though, this tank is more enjoyable, as all clippers do.
Ah right. I thought it was a new tank not just a new skin 😣