WoT 1.26 Common Test: Map Reworking

Like our vehicle rebalancing efforts, we continue improving your gameplay experience by reworking various maps, making them more comfortable for different vehicle classes. This ongoing work has led to improvements across eight Random Battle locations. The most notable and extensive changes have been made to Mannerheim Line—check them out.

  • Shoreline Adjustments: The shape of the shoreline in squares K6 and J7 has been modified to improve the safety of movement for the western team’s firing points and the eastern team’s advancement after winning the direction.



  • Northern Base LT Positioning: The light tank positioning in the middle square D5 has been improved, making it safer and comparable to the western team’s light tanks in square E4. Additionally, a shot has been opened on the western team’s medium tank roll.



  • Defensive Position Weakened: The powerful defense position of the north base blocking access to the enemy’s base has been weakened. Trees near the cliff’s edge in square B8 have been removed, and the “dragon’s teeth” have been partially destroyed to allow a more comfortable move toward the north base along the cliff’s edge.



Other Changes to Mannerheim Line

  • Underwater Slope: In square J8, players from both sides could drown in certain situations. The underwater slope has been improved, making it easier to escape the water without drowning.
  • Firing Position Adjustments: Previously, in square G4, players could shoot over the rocks through the bushes. This shot is now blocked, meaning tank destroyers need to expose themselves when firing.
  • Passage Safety: Eastern team players ascending would often take damage from the tank destroyer position in square F4. The rock has been slightly shifted, allowing safer passage.
  • Fortified Position Weakening: The heavily fortified position in square A0, which hindered advances to the enemy base, has been weakened. The bushes have been moved closer to the red line, making it easier to spot players in that position.

The following maps received less significant, yet still important, updates:

Oyster Bay

  • Upper HT Sub-Direction Redesigned: Square F6 now has many protected positions at various distances, allowing you to push through and reduce the distance toward enemies.



  • Cave Connection: A cave now connects the upper and central sub-directions in square F6, offering more varied gameplay by allowing direction changes.



  • Shoreline Terrain Reworked: In squares D3, C3, and C4, the terrain has been reworked and cover has been added to improve opportunities for playing and approaching medium tanks.



Other Changes to Oyster Bay

  • Central HT Direction: The central heavy tank direction, specifically squares G6-F7, has become safer to advance in. The shelter in its center will allow you to reduce the distance to the enemy gradually.
  • TD Positions: Tank destroyer positions in squares J5 and F9 have been weakened. The shots for heavy tanks rolling out from squares G6 and F7 have been closed off.
  • Runway Area: Terrain undulations, hills, and bushes have been added to the runway area, encompassing squares E3-C5 and F4-D6, to improve the gameplay quality for light tanks.
  • Terrain Reworked: On the shoreline in squares D3, C3, and C4, the terrain has been reworked and cover added to improve opportunities for playing and approaching medium tanks.


  • New Heavy Tank Positions: New positions for heavy tanks have been added in squares B1-B2, C1-C2, and A3-B3, allowing more active movement in this direction.



  • Castle Zone Building: A building has been added in square B3 to block shot lines from the center in the castle zone.



Other Changes to Outpost

  • New Medium Tank Positions: In squares K7-K8 and H0, new positions for medium tanks have been added. These positions will allow you to get closer to opponents on hills.
  • Flora Adjustment: The flora has been moved in squares A7-B7 and F1-F2.


  • Flora Removal: Flora in square B1, which made it challenging to detect AT-SPGs, has been removed. It previously provided a significant advantage for the north base team.



Other Changes to Lakeville

  • Terrain Reduction: The terrain in squares C2-D2 has been reduced to simplify spotting and attacking vehicles from the south base in this position.
  • New Bush Position: A new position of bushes has been introduced in square K2 to minimize the risk of taking damage in the mountain gorge due to limited vehicle detection at long range.

Finally, some minor adjustments have been made to the following locales:

  • Studzianki
  • Steppes
  • Tundra
  • Abbey

List of Adjustments


  • Terrain Adjustment: The terrain in square K6 has been raised to minimize shooting at vehicles from the west team base.

Spotting Issue Fixed: The opportunity to spot vehicles in A5 has been removed from the position in C6 through the house windows.


  • Heavy Tank Route: The heavy tank route in squares G1, H1, and H2 has been modified to provide new and equal opportunities for both teams.
  • Bushes Removed: Bushes in squares E1 and J2 have been removed, making it easier to spot vehicles and assess the number of opponents in the direction.
  • New Position: A new position has been added for the southern team in square H3, mirroring the stone in square F2. The northern team’s position has also been balanced somewhat.


  • Shot Line Removal: The shot line has been removed from square D5 on the roadway in square G9. This previously allowed damage to be inflicted on the southern team’s tanks during their roll maneuver.


  • Flora Removal: Flora in square C1 has been removed. This previously allowed risk-free spotting and damaging of the south team’s vehicles in square G1.

8 thoughts on “WoT 1.26 Common Test: Map Reworking

    1. all 3 major map reworks are needed. dont just turn blind eyes on good changes only because you want to complain.

      1. The same people who praising Lesta Russian propaganda on comments that were complaining about no new changes to WG…is now complaining about the new changes……looks like WOT RU Manifesto got into their heads

  1. “we continue improving your gameplay experience by reworking various maps”

    For those players that ‘only always’ play big heavy high tier slow ‘safe’ Super Heavy Tanks so as they can enjoy ‘not getting shot at’ not getting killed quick’
    WG with repeatedly FUCKING around with the Maps are Fucking up the enjoyment foe all other players NOT in Heavy Tanks.

    been going on for 8 years making Maps more ‘Comfortable to play’ ~ for just one class of tank Heavies
    so fuck you WG you dumb asses

    1. You need a good slap.

      Wot meta is heavy tank with large alpha.

      Nobody cares about your skill in a light tank or sitting at the back in TD to do two shots all game.

      1. That’s true, because playing a light tank or a TD requires skill….not like the “meta” with big alpha guns on a heavy :D, you 300wn8 RRR Shitclown.

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