WOT Express: World of Tanks 2.0 to Expand Tech Trees Beyond Tier 10


Preliminary and very cautiously, our sources from the basements in Cyprus report the following information:

In WoT 2.0, some tech trees will be expanded beyond tier 10. These tanks will extend the historical boundaries of the game, meaning we will officially go beyond 1975. Some vehicles will have unique mechanics and many other features.

However, do not expect tanks from the 1990s and 2000s to appear immediately. We will proceed in sequence, year by year.

We await your opinions in the comments.

51 thoughts on “WOT Express: World of Tanks 2.0 to Expand Tech Trees Beyond Tier 10

  1. About time. But fuck those special abilities. WoT is a (((relativly))) slow paced gane and I like it this way. WoT is not a hero-shooter.

    1. “Unique abilities.”
      Could mean anything in case of WG.
      Turbo mode, siege mode, double tracks, barrel cooling, etc.

      Personally, I don’t give a flying fish about more modern tanks, and I hope there’s an option to disable fighting against them.

    1. Armored Patrol and WoTExpress relaying misinformation about game closing repeatedly in 2024 + 2025 and bz-176 sales

      Take some postings here a grain of salt of nothing

      1. It clear NA/EU Community dont want tier 11 thank god…..i think the people relaying these info are simply Russia hating on community above them that is NA/EU plain and simple

        1. What WG wants, WG gets.

          The same happened on Warships with the submarines, community were dead against it. WG still went ahead with adding them. From memory the Superships (tier 11/12) were also not wanted but they were added.

          1. With abilities that literally break the game?
            Just look at one of flamu’s more recent vids.

        2. Idk what you are talking about, but quite a lot of players want new endgame content. Obviously it depends at the end how balanced they are and how they are handled against lower tiers, like only tier 10’s against tier 11+, nothing less.
          But the general idea of new content is needed, because there is no reason to play the game if you have everything unlocked and millions of credits (even with the ressources sinks like Vickers last time)

    1. It is same company split in two just to doge sanctions. I don’t understand how people doesn’t see that.

      1. It is same company split in two just to doge sanctions. I don’t understand how people doesn’t see that.

    1. It is same company split in two just to doge sanctions. I don’t understand how people doesn’t see that.

      1. It is same company split in two just to doge sanctions. I don’t understand how people doesn’t see that.

      1. Yes please. Arty is a broken class that shouldn’t be in the game. WG should make a game mode where the arty wanker could click on bots to their little black heart content and let us the normal players have fun without a bot “rebalancing” us from the opposite corner of the map.

        1. If you cant deal with arty in 2024 then you dont deserve to play and you can fuck off back to yourshithole in rumania

          1. Oh look, a little bitch. Tell me, little bitch, how it is to be coward even in a game? And when is your birthday , i want to make you a present: a pair of balls, so you can finally have the courage to press “w”.

            1. Racism aside, he does have a point. Arta in its current state is pathetic which is funny since it’s the best counter to hulldown cancer. Rather than snipe pixels with premium ammo I’d rather call support from the square at the back of the map, too bad he’s not going to do much damage.

              1. You know, there is also the option to do something else and let them sit hull down and do nothing. Unlike you i don’t need arty to hold my hand, the price for that is way to high.

                1. This is why you have a 43% win rate.
                  I bet you go to the same heavy tank positions every time on every map to “brawl”….

                  1. I’m sorry, who the fuck are you? Gimme your ingame nick to see if you are some kind of superunicorn, so i know whom i’m dealing with.

                2. We’ll eagerly await your explaination on what to do on maps where moving outside of brawling spots equates to suicide, especially on tanks that lack camo and mobility. 🙂

                  1. There is no simple answer, you can do many things, sometimes you can push, other times you can turn back and defend the base. Or hold your ground and wait for the enemy to do a mistake. Now i’ll wait for your explanation what to do when there is arty in the game, other than hide behind a mountain, because i want to play the game, not hide . And what to do in the maps like Sandriver , Proko or Malinovka. Let me guess :”move”. This is the standard arty apologist answer.

                    1. Grit your teeth and press on? Which is what all of us must do while playing the game – you know, what you “want to do”?

                      Losing initiative in this game means losing the match, that’s why almost nobody retreats and turtles (even though it’s a winning strategy on some maps) and that’s why most of us trade health for gains such as fragging enemies or winning positions. If you’re so upset about arta that’s on you, not on anyone else.

                    2. I’ve never had a problem with arty.
                      It seems to be a you problem.
                      Go and watch some YouTube videos.
                      If you keep getting hit sorry stunned by arty then you must be doing something wrong.
                      And fuck off back your gypsy caravan

                    3. 24doom, that’s because you camp on the red line and do nothing the whole game, you little bitch. I’ve seen sooo many bots such as you who camp and lose the game for their teams then blame the team, but they lecture me about arty.

  2. That should fuck up the MM system nicely the MM has been bad (WG tuned it to be bad those shit 4min slaughter games good for business)
    unless WOT 2.0 is on a completely different platform from WOT?

    1. There is no such game or planned game called WOT 2.0.

      It doesnt exist except in the heads of deluded cocksuckers.

  3. Hopefully WG has figured out how to model a smoothbore gun by that point…assuming this is true.

  4. they could have done something like this so fucking long ago. the games name is literally world of tanks, yet they only cover tanks that use rifled cannons, or make them up, like t-62 with a 100mm rifled gun lmao.
    they could have just separated the two to 2 separate matchmaking, making it in a way so that you dont have to progress through an entire nation to play some modern/semi-modern tanks

    1. Csb troll,you are same people on those comments section that complain that you don’t want any some of past new changes to wg wot..this fault of you and those people not wg. Tier 11 non sense will come wg.

    2. With honest excluding non trollish mezfi behavior ,wg doing much better than lesta. Mezfi is same group of people that didn’t want any new changes in the past is now complaining that didn’t have any new changes than praising lesta non sense

  5. The current game is a total shitshow. Expanding the current shitshow will only make it a bigger shitshow.
    WG is a fcking joke.

  6. “Important information! Do not disclose!” – either this will be the last message we get from WOT Express, or this is all made up and we are just supposed to catch the bait. I think it’s the second case, beacuse there is no way in hell Lesta’s Mir Tankov will get tier 11 in January 2025 and WoT EU/NA/Asia will get them early 2025 as well. And WG were screaming out loud that they have nothing in common with Lesta now, the games will diverge from now on, etc., etc.

    1. Just remember the op repeatedly posted & promoted last year that wg wot was closing in 2024 or 2025

  7. WOT Express is written by a ukrainian whore living in the rich USA.
    She makes any news to sell that shitty blog.

    1. Yea you correct that WOT Express is written by a Russian player that explain why they salty when the western countries WG is doing better

  8. If WG hope to expand the techtrees beyond Tier 10 in WoT as it is now they’re on drugs and learned nothing from WoWs.

    They should program modern tanks in Project CW which is a completely new game and can be tweaked from the ground up, WoT is too much of a mess and needs too many fixes before it can host something like Tier 11 and above.

    1. Actually adding tiers above is easiest shit they can do. Add HPs and raise alpha dmg. Literally 0 effort content and mathematically you can balance it with rules that already exist. Creating modes like steel hunter or onslaught requires actual brain and money to come up with. For this you only need 3d models and you are set.

    2. WG don’t fix anything. So they clearly don’t care about broken stuff.

      Enjoy fighting your 1930s track against 1990s tanks ..

  9. The already fucked up game just needs to put tanks with smoke screens, counter measures and homing missiles… And everything goes to hell!

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