WoWS: Aircraft Carriers and AA Test Update

We have exciting news regarding the ongoing Aircraft Carrier and AA tests! We are planning to launch a patch with various quality of life improvements and balance changes based on tester and community feedback.

We’d like to thank you for taking the time to help us test our new concept for Aircraft Carriers. The topic has been a longstanding pain point in our community and a passionate subject for most. You’ve all brought that same passion to your participation, feedback and bug reports. We recognize that this test is in its early stages, which comes with additional challenges and appreciate your patience during the test.

UPDATE: The patch is scheduled for August 2nd, 12:00 UTC. The downtime will take approximately an hour.
We have also extended the testing until August 7th, 14:00 UTC. All missions will be extended accordingly. The sign-up code 
IWANNATESTCVS has been extended till August 7th, 08:00UTC.

We will shortly be implementing the following changes based on your feedback:

  • Four new ships added for testing that will be available to all players: X Hindenburg, X Venezia, X Gearing, and X Schlieffen.
  • Bots will be added to matchmaking that will be Tier X Tech Tree battleships, cruisers, and destroyers.
  • The matchmaker will now sort players into either 10vs10 or 12vs12 battles.
  • We’ve added a new mission to enter the raffle for IX Jean Bart (x5 in total).
    • You need to play 10 battles in any test ship to enter.
  • All three missions are now visible, unless you’ve completed any of the previous two missions prior to the patch.
    • Don’t worry: if you’ve completed the missions before this change – you will still be included in the raffle for IX Musashi and VIII Enterprise!

If you haven’t had the chance to sign up, we’ve extended the sign-up period. You can sign up using the code IWANNATESTCVS until August 2nd, 16:00 UTC.  Please note that, that it may take a few hours for access to be granted to your account for the test server.  You can find all of the information on how to install the test client in the main publication.

While the primary focus of the test was to gather your feedback around the concept, we have noticed room for a number of balance changes based on your ongoing feedback – and there’s quite a number of them:

X Hakuryū, X Midway, X Audacious

  • Flying altitude of all planes reduced by 25%
    • In some cases, altitude in the descent state was adjusted to make the attack smoother
  • Attack patterns of stock bombers on Midway and Hakuryū changed to conform to their researchable counterparts
  • The Patrol Fighter consumable found on all squadrons of these carriers changed:
    • Maximum ship spotting range reduced from 15 to 2km.
    • Maximum plane spotting range reduced from 15 to 6km.

X Hakuryū

  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable torpedo bombers:
    • The number of planes in the attacking group increased from 2 to 3
    • Torpedo damage reduced: from 9,333 to 7,500
    • Time spent in descent before the attack reduced: from 8 to 6s
    • As a result of this change, damage resistance during the descent and in recon mode is reduced accordingly.
    • Damage resistance during the attack preparation and aiming is reduced.
  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable dive bombers:
    • Time spent in descent before the attack reduced: from 8 to 4s
    • As a result of this change, damage resistance in both descent and recon states is reduced accordingly.
    • Aiming time increased: from 7 to 10s
  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable attack aircraft:
    • Aiming time increased from 5 to 6s

X Midway

  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable torpedo bombers:
    • Increased the attacking group accuracy gain in preparation phase by 25%
    • Time spent in descent before the attack reduced: from 8 to 6s
    • As a result of this change, damage resistance during the descent and in recon mode is reduced accordingly.
    • Damage resistance during attack preparation and aiming is reduced
  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable dive bombers:
    • Preparation time before the attack reduced: from 8 to 4s
    • As a result of this change, damage resistance in both descent and recon states is reduced accordingly.
    • Aiming time increased from 6 to 9s
  • Changed parameters for stock and searchable attack aircraft:
    • Aiming time increased: from 5 to 6s

X Audacious

  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable torpedo bombers:
    • Time spent in descent before the attack reduced: from 8 to 6s;
    • As a result of this change, damage resistance during the descent and in recon mode is reduced accordingly.
    • Damage resistance during the attack preparation and aiming is reduced.
  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable dive bombers:
    • Time spent in descent before the attack reduced: from 8 to 4s;
    • As a result of this change, damage resistance in both descent and recon states is reduced accordingly.
    • Aiming time increased from 6 to 9s.
  • Changed parameters for stock and researchable attack aircraft
    • Aiming time increased from 5 to 6s.

Automatic Anti-aircraft parameters changed:

  • Bonus to the frequency of anti-aircraft guns firing rate increased: from 10 to 20%.

Defensive Anti-Aircraft Fire parameters changed:

  • The continuous damage bonus removed.

AA Defense and ASW Expert commander skill parameters changed:

  • Bonus to ship consumables preparation and reload time while AA defenses are active changed: from -50% to -30% for cruisers.
  • Skill remains unchanged for battleships

Interceptors captain skill found on carriers changed:

  • Interceptors patrol area has been changed to low altitude, therefore they can now be correctly targeted by enemy AA fire and shot down.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.

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