9 thoughts on “WoT – Tank Coach: How-to Aim

    1. Still a must-watch for new players, imho.
      Also love the “that data is totally available (somewhere on the web thanks to the incredible efforts of thecommunity)”: lazy, lazy WG.

    2. You’re saying it’s not a bad video while it provides wrong informations as an official source???

      Why didn’t they just tell that the vanilla reticle has been made 2/3 bigger due to possible lag?

      Why didn’t they tell that AP has 5 degrees of normalization and APCR has 2?

      Why did’nt they tell us why stablization stats are not showed in the game so inexperienced players know how certain guns might behave?

      The most ridiculous part is that they tell players to ask the community for internal module positions.
      I was laughing so hard while watching this part =)))))))))))))))))))
      They practically told us “We put little investments in making lootboxes and have no intentions of making the game better”.

      So many wrong things in an official source of informations, and you’re telling me it’s NOT BAD?????

      1. For a new/inexperienced player, that’s quite a lot of info to digest at once. As they said, there will be more episodes of this series, probably they will dive deeper in the game mechanics. But as an **introductory** educational video, this is 8.5/10.

      2. I do. I didn’t say it was *perfect*. Seriolusy, the excat values of of normalization are not essential info (even Skill admitted he didn’t know them), and as for the reticle, I have like a ping of 20ms and I already feel that shots are going to the edges of the circle.

  1. New players don’t care about an this crap. They just want to log in drive tanks and shoot a few other tanks.
    They don’t have time to learn all this.
    Then they get shit on by “invisible” tanks and either quit or carry on playing and still learn nothing.

  2. Just update your poor potato server and delete this stupid server reticle would be helpful.

  3. When games like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey can have beautifully fantastic scenery. Meanwhile, wot has scenery basics from 1990s…

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