WoT RU: Get ready to welcome the Tier XI vehicles — Object 452K, MBT-B, BZT-70, and Object 279!

New tanks are actively being developed. However, it is already known that each of these machines will be equipped with a new type of ammunition. APFSDS — armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot round. And this is just one of the innovations!

We will reveal more secrets about the Tier XI tanks very soon. Stay tuned for updates on the game’s portal!

14 thoughts on “WoT RU: Get ready to welcome the Tier XI vehicles — Object 452K, MBT-B, BZT-70, and Object 279!

  1. Tier 11 coming to WoT the same way it came to WoWs, hopefully it won’t fuck the former like it did the latter but knowing this company I have my doubts.

    1. Sorry to crush your hopes but it ain’t gonna happen. I’ve been trying to get my NA account transferred to Asia for over 7 years and WG says no. I finally gave up and created a new account in Asia server but I’ve decided never to spend a dime again on WoT.

      1. don’t worry, somehow, when they come to asia, they would have a way to transfer our data.

  2. Tier 11s should have their own seperate MM with all those crazy abilities and ammunition types.

    But the problem is no one has them yet, and there are only 4 at the moment.

    So, in order for one to play a tier 11, they either throw it into tier 10 battles or make a seperate tier 11 queue and let players queue for eternity.
    Both ways bring no fun for anyone.

    I guess it’ll be playable after a few months.

  3. Tier 11 should never come to NA and EU..
    RU has not present new content …no new mechanics
    WOT RU is getting desperate…..majority of their content after split is through lootbox…and now RU adding more layers just to open a lootbox.

    1. You’re just a jealous cûnt.
      You’re the idiot if you keep playing EU and NA and crying about it 🤡

      1. more mezfi and russian people hating that RU WOT is being snubbed
        Despite the past updates…all lootboxes updates…even make it harder to access lootboxes

        1. more mezfi and russian people hating that RU WOT is being snubbed
          Despite the past updates…all lootboxes updates…even make it harder to access lootboxes rewards because you need to pay more in RU to get free content

  4. They make it look like they are doing more when they are not….when Lesta WOT post “content update trailers”

    1. Oh well, talking sh*t while being utterly ignorant is pure stupidity.
      Lesta has been making balance changes since they got their hands on the game, especially the recent months were just full of good changes.

      What was WG doing in that time? Making loot boxes for you.

      So, what the actual fck are you sh*tting about? Yourself being absolutely idiotic?

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