Battle Pass Season XIV is taking you on an epic journey into the heart of history to honor the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Running from June 5 to September 4, this Season immerses you in the pivotal events of June 6, 1944, when Allied forces stormed the sandy beaches of Normandy. Dive into the heroic tale of D-Day and earn lucrative rewards, including three brand-new Tier VI Premium tanks with Normandy-inspired 3D styles.
D-Day Tank Legends: Choose Your Hero

A Manchester lad who was raised to value duty, honor, and discipline above all else, Arthur always seemed destined to lead. Now that he serves King and country, his secret weapons are a healthy dose of northern grit to help him through adversity and an English wit dry enough to defuse even the tensest of situations.
Much to the exasperation of his superiors, Jack hates playing by the rules, preferring to trust his gut and do what feels right instead. Thankfully for all concerned, he’s blessed with remarkable intuition and an uncanny ability to improvise his way out of danger.
Passionate, patriotic, and dedicated to his Patrie, Louis’ love for his country compelled him to join France’s Resistance immediately after the occupation began. But while he always stands for what’s right, Louis is not just a hot-headed idealist.
Earn Base and Improved Rewards
True heroes deserve excellent rewards. Battle Pass Season XIV has an impressive loot table, offering riches from bonds and credits to days of WoT Premium Account and equipment. Additionally, ×5 missions are now included in the Base Rewards!
Items for Tokens
Your Battle Pass Tokens accumulate over the course of the year. Spend them in the “Items for Tokens” section of the in-game Store for valuable items, including rare Tier IX vehicles with unique gameplay. By the end of this Season, you’ll have enough tokens to redeem the newly introduced vehicles: the TT-130M, a Tier IX Czechoslovakian heavy tank with jet boosters, and the TS-60, a Tier IX American tank destroyer with impressive DPM.
Don’t forget to spend your Tokens by December 20; after that date, they will be converted into bonds.
On completion of all three Chapters of Season XIV, you will gain access to the Reward section of the in‑game Store. There you can spend Battle Pass Points on bonds, as well as progressive styles and crew members from previous Seasons.
Obtain the Improved Pass for any Season XIV Chapter for 2,500 gold on the Battle Pass screen in your Garage! Both the in-game Store and the Premium Shop also offer bundles that include the Improved Pass for all Chapters, plus real-money value bundles that give you the full Improved Pass and (for a maximum of 30 days) 250 gold daily for a single battle played.
Enjoy the Soundtrack
Feel the courage and heroism of those who stormed Normandy’s beaches as you progress through Battle Pass. Our epic soundtrack captures the spirit of bravery, enhancing your gaming adventure. Let the power of music accompany you through every Battle Pass Stage!
Join the D-Day Commemoration
Let’s honor the bravery and sacrifice of real heroes. Explore our Command Center to discover the wide range of exciting events we have planned to commemorate the 80th Anniversary—from Frontline and PvE modes to awesome historical streams. On top of that, you can also earn D-Day Tokens, the anniversary in-game currency. Claim a special mission on the Command Center Events Map and complete it within the Battle Pass main Chapters.