Digitising History: Learning About the Past Through Interactive Games (P)

When you think of games, you might not instantly associate them with history. Instead, your mind will lean into more modern or fantasy concepts. However, the historical gaming sector is surprisingly thriving, and this form of digitisation and gamification is benefiting players in many ways.

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Source: Unsplash

The Benefits of Digitisation

Digitisation has impacted every industry you may think of, converting the analogue to the digital. This has allowed the globalisation of information and has even breathed new life into sectors that could have potentially died out in the digital era. We can take the casino industry as an example, a traditional industry that has breached the digital world. 

Online casinos have allowed users to access their favourite games at any point in time using their preferred devices. The automation and simplification of digital processes have also allowed casinos to focus on other factors like expanding their services by adding features like a casino bonus for users. Such bonuses attract new users, thanks to offers like welcome bonuses, and reward their older clients through free spins amongst other bonuses. 

This has allowed this industry to thrive in the modern world. And it is not different from the world of history. As any history buff will appreciate, one important factor of digitisation is the preservation of data. Back in the day, important historical texts would constantly get lost in time or due to environmental reasons. Digitising historical information prolongs its longevity and enables us to access it at all times through the internet.

The Gamification of History

Have you ever found yourself poring over a dusty history book, trying to read through the excessively dry text? Well, instead of being limited to only that as an option, you can now find interactive games online to learn more about history and you can even enjoy historical video games on your favourite gaming device.

This is all thanks to the advancement of technology, where we have been able to not only digitise historical data but also apply it to games. Nowadays, there are currently a seemingly endless number of games available on digital distribution services, all of them enjoying a modicum of popularity. This has allowed people to learn more about our world’s history without even trying to. 

Whether it is by reenacting certain historical moments, exploring ancient civilisations, or role playing as a historical figure, the gamification of history has made learning a much more gratifying experience. Moreover, this has given people the chance to gain a deeper understanding of what it was like during differing periods, making them see it in a whole new light. 

And thanks to the rise of hyper-realistic graphics it has made the experience even more immersive. Ultimately, the gamification of history has revolutionised the educational world by combining it with fun games. Consequently, this has made people more interested in delving into the past. 

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Source: Unsplash

Modern technology truly has changed everything, and while there are some negatives to it, the positives certainly outweigh it all. So, if you want to spice up the way you learn about history, why not research which game would suit the specific part of history you’re looking into? This will make it a more engaging educational experience, thus, making it more memorable.

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