WoT 1.25 Common Test: Churchill Crocodile, M4A3(76)W Sherman, Char de transition In-Game Screenshots & Tank Descriptions

Tank descriptions are taken from the 3D Style descriptions.

Churchill Crocodile (Great Britain, Tier-6, HT, premium) – with unique Battle Pass Season 14 D-Day Skin

I knew little of France before the war, to be perfectly honest. Manchester’s closer to Ireland than it is France. Father had fought in Belgium, though. Not that he talked about it much. It’s strange to think how we used to call it the Great War—the only one, as if there could never possibly be another like it.

Perhaps it was naive to think so. The history of man is a history of war. And I knew that, when the time came—when the war came—I’d have my part to play in it. King, country, duty, honour—that’s what I was brought up to believe in, and that’s what I was taught to defend. At all costs.

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M4A3(76)W Sherman (USA, Tier-6, MT, premium) – with unique Battle Pass Season 14 D-Day Skin

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“The eyes of the world are upon you,” they’d said. No pressure, then. Just halt the advance of the forces of evil and secure the future of the freedom-loving world. Sure, pops, we’ll be done by lunchtime. Lucky for me, I work best under pressure. It focuses the mind, forces you to act. That’s how it was at Normandy. No time to think—just sheer focus. And we did a damn good job, in the end. So if the eyes of the world were upon us, I hope they got a good view. Our story is one that should be told for generations to come.

Char de transition (French, Tier-6, HT, premium) – with unique Battle Pass Season 14 D-Day Skin

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We knew that the occupation could not last forever. Come on, did they really think that the people of France would accept it? Impossible. There is a reason why the whole world knows about the French Revolution. Nobody can make us live in that way, as if we will just obey every command our ‘master’ gives us. To be French is to love freedom. So when they were trying to take it away from us this time, even in the darkest hours, I always believed in France. And when the battle came at Normandy, as a Normand, I knew that it was the time—the time to show who we are and what we stand for.

8 thoughts on “WoT 1.25 Common Test: Churchill Crocodile, M4A3(76)W Sherman, Char de transition In-Game Screenshots & Tank Descriptions

  1. Pretty cringe lore but those are some nice models, this is what a battle pass should be about.

  2. The crocodile version of the Churchill is a flamethrower tank with a trailer, where is it relevant here?

    1. Because its a special churchill?
      The flamethrower itself is hull-mounted and the turret was fully functional.

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