WoT RU: PvE Event Informations

As it turned out, the reward in the PvE mode “Time of Heroes” will be the Tier VII T-34M-54. And this is not the only new tank! As the “St. John’s wort” ISU-152 will be available as well, the tank can be played in the mode and then purchased in the Premium store.

About the event:

– cooperative battles against vehicles controlled by artificial intelligence;
– familiar maps have been modified for mode battles, obstacles have been added, as well as enemy ambushes in the most unexpected places;
– a progression called “Path to Victory”, filled with points (earned in this mode), as well as various rewards.

Advancement in progression will allow you to receive the main rewards of the “Time of Heroes” game event. At the eighth stage, for example, you can get the Soviet premium tank VII T-34M-54 for free, and at the tenth stage you can get a unique “Winner” badge.

If someone does not have time to complete the progression and receive the T-34M-54 for free, there will be an opportunity to buy it at a discount. The size of the discount will directly depend on the progress in the event and will increase by 25% for every two stages completed.

2 thoughts on “WoT RU: PvE Event Informations

  1. Fells like Lesta works three to five times more than WG EU. Sometimes I wish I was playing on the RU server.

  2. Meanwhile EU – here’s more shit premium tanks buy them! Have some free repairs kits and we’ve replaced your crew and fucked with more maps that nobody asked for

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