WoT Supertest: Vz. 58 Koncept Detailed Stats

Vz. 58 Koncept (Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, HT, premium, mechanics: drum for 4 shells)
• Average damage: 440
• Average armor penetration with AP projectile: 257 mm
• Average armor penetration with APCR projectile: 325 mm
• Average armor penetration with HE projectile: 68 mm
• Reload of the entire drum: 33.56 sec
• Reload between shells: 3.50 sec
• Shells in the drum: 4
• Turret traverse speed: 27.12 deg/sec
• Vertical aiming angles: -8/20 deg
• Aiming time: 2.88 sec
• Accuracy at 100 m: 0.42
• Average damage per minute: 2,397
• Initial flight speed of the AP: 1,040 m/s
• Initial flight speed of the APCR projectile: 1,270 m/s
• Initial flight speed of the HE projectile: 1,040 m/s

All performance characteristics are indicated with a commander’s bonus.

Historical reference:
A heavy tank project combining many advanced technical solutions. The implementation required quite a long development process and significant funding, and obtaining a license for the production of the T-54 finally put an end to the history of the project.

Crew 4 people: Commander (Radio Operator); Gunner; Driver mechanic; Charging.
Role in battle: Breakthrough Heavy tank.
Special category Equipment: Survivability.

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