Wargaming For The 3rd Time Raised Prices in The Turkish Region By 1.34 Times

On the night of February 22, WG again raised all prices in the Turkish region of the game, our subscribers reported. After the price increase on August 2, purchases for the Turkish Lira remained the cheapest in the game. And after the price increase on October 8, they began to compare it to hryvnia. Now the situation is different.

After today’s increase, the most profitable region for in-game purchases is Ukraine by a decent margin.
For example, let’s take a standard package of 2500 gold/30 days of tank premium account.
Previously the price was:
• 174.20 TRY = 5.17 € (5.95 € at the exchange rate as of 10/08/2023)
New price:
• 233.87 TRY = 6.94 €
Price of the same package in other currencies (countries):
• 230 UAH = 5.49 €
• 3,600 KZT = 7.37 €
• 9.95 €

Prices are indicated at the exchange rate as of 02/22/2024.

source: WOT Express

7 thoughts on “Wargaming For The 3rd Time Raised Prices in The Turkish Region By 1.34 Times

    1. oh yeah why they just won’t fix their economy, great idea man i believe they will be so thankful to you for your advise… man this community of WoT is the lowest iq i have ever witnessed in the gaming world both in game chat and on social media lol

  1. I think they mean the most UNprofitable region is Ukraine given it’s almost half the price in Euros ffs

  2. It’s interesting to see Wargaming adjust prices again in the Turkish region. With such frequent changes, it can be challenging to keep up. For businesses facing similar issues, tools like Competitor Price Tracking & Monitoring software by Priceva can be incredibly useful. Their platform offers automated tracking and price change notifications, so you never miss a beat. You can manage all your metrics from a single interface and use comprehensive analytics to spot market opportunities. Plus, their AI-based repricing tool helps you craft an optimal pricing strategy. For more on how this works, check out this resource https://priceva.com/blog/price-ceiling .

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