WoT 1.24 Common Test: Chrysler MTC In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

With the release of update 1.24, the Chrysler MTC (USA, Tier-8, MT, premium) will be tested in random by developers and supertesters.
Historical reference:
In the late 1940s, the idea of developing a 30-ton medium tank gained popularity. One such project was Chrysler’s Medium Tank Concept, dated May 1951. The entire crew was housed in the turret, which made it possible to reduce the height of the vehicle to two meters. Due to its good protection, the tank’s combat weight was about 40 tons, and the installation of an opposed diesel engine made it possible to achieve a high maximum speed and mobility. An unusual solution was the use of caterpillar tracks made of rubber sections with steel ridges. However, the project did not progress beyond conceptual sketches.

One thought on “WoT 1.24 Common Test: Chrysler MTC In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

  1. So glad they’ve decided to never give the US tech tree another line, because then they can’t make 8 trillion premium tanks

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