WoT RU Patch 1.25: Balance Changes To Underpowered Vehicles

Update 1.25 will be no exception. The characteristics of tanks from various branches will be adjusted, which will entail a change in the roles of many vehicles. (WZ-114, WZ-120G FT, Aufklärungspanzer Panther, FV215B, T-44 LIGHTWEIGHT)


Was It became
Gun aiming speed 3.9 s 2.8 s
Gun reload speed 20 s 18 s
Maximum reverse speed 10 km/h 14 km/h
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the WZ-114 chassis has been reduced by 27%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the WZ-114 chassis has been reduced by 27%.
The dispersion of the 130 mm 59-130M gun when rotating the WZ-114 turret has been reduced by 39%.

WZ-120G FT

Was It became
Gun aiming speed 2.8 s 2.3 s
Gun accuracy at 100 m 0.38 0.36
Changing the role of the tank from universal to sniper.
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the WZ-120G FT chassis has been reduced by 18%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the WZ-120G FT chassis has been reduced by 18%.
The dispersion of the 130 mm 59-130JG FT A gun when rotating the barrel of the WZ-120G FT is reduced by 38%.

WZ-114. To increase the efficiency of the equipment, the weapon’s performance (stabilization, aiming and reloading speed), as well as mobility will be improved. All this will allow you to conduct more effective and comfortable shooting, as well as quickly leave potentially dangerous positions.

WZ-120G FT. To fully unleash the vehicle’s potential, we are changing its role from universal to sniper. To do this, parameters such as stabilization, convergence speed and accuracy are adjusted. This will allow the tank to react more quickly to the situation in battle and better hit moving targets and vulnerable areas of enemy vehicles.

Aufklärungspanzer Panther

Was It became
Strength 1050 HP. 1150 HP.
Gun reload time 5.2 s 3.4 s
Penetration with a basic projectile 157 mm 178 mm
Penetration with a special projectile 205 mm 235 mm

Aufklärungspanzer Panther.  Compared to other tanks of the same class, this vehicle is less effective in battle. To make it more popular, some parameters will be adjusted.

Changing the durability characteristics will not only increase the survivability of the vehicle, but will also allow it to serve as a reconnaissance vehicle longer. And improving the reload time and armor penetration of the gun will increase the fire efficiency of the vehicle.


Changing the role from a support tank to a universal one.
FV215b. Having studied the data on the tank after its rebalancing in update 1.22, we decided to change the role of the vehicle from a support tank to a universal one, which is more consistent with its current performance characteristics and gameplay style.


Was It became
Damage 180/180/300 200/200/320
Strength 1100 HP. 1200 HP.
Accuracy at 100 m 0.4 0.38
Elevation angles -5 -7
T-44 lightweight.   Initially, this vehicle was developed for the role of a “light tank hunter.” And so that it can fully correspond to this role, we decided to improve its firepower and durability, which together will increase the survivability and efficiency of the tank. And improving the vertical aiming angles will make the machine universal.

7 thoughts on “WoT RU Patch 1.25: Balance Changes To Underpowered Vehicles

  1. WZ114 is a potato with tracks, too much potato to buy. Anyway, it will still be useless. Better with an upgraded gun at 16 sec reload, not 18 sec.

  2. Those WZ-114 and AFK Panther buffs look nice, wish they came to EU too.

    FV215b on the other hand needs more than a subclass change.

  3. Honestly, just give the FV215b the Super Conq turret without the HEAT shields and it would be fine. Fail to see how just changing the role will do anything

  4. Interesting changes, proposed by Lesta – I think the WZ-114 and WZ-120G FT are completely fine. Though I think that the Awful Panther will become quite toxic – having 3.4s base reload time is a touch worse than E25 – with standard equipment and reducing the reload with 4th field mod, you can bring the reload time to sub 3 s, which is madness for a tier 7 LT!

    1. I really doubt AFK Panther will be toxic with these buffs. Pz V/IV is toxic at Tier 5 because nobody knows what it is and its hull armor works at that tier, and it doesn’t see +2 uptiers. AFK on the other hand is only good as top tier and when the enemy team is asleep.

  5. I almost dont want any Wz114 buffs, i actually really like playing it, its a super beast at trading, it has super stupid hit points, managable armor, thick enough gun to use it to hideturret tumor, always works. Great standard pen, stupid great accuract to snipe weakspots at huge distances, the list goes on. I love playing this tank as it is. I dont want it to become meta…….

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