WoT RU: Answers About The Future Assault Self-Propelled Guns

— Features of the Assault SPG: a hybrid assault tank and self-propelled gun (close combat artillery with a significantly limited firing range and no stun) with thick frontal armor and increased strength.
— Sturm-self-propelled guns qualify as a class of self-propelled guns and are designated by a “square.”

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WoT RU: Assault Self-Propelled Guns

What it is?
— The assault self-propelled gun is an assault artillery type. Vehicles deal more damage due to the lack of a stun mechanic.

The firing range is significantly limited, which means no bushes in the far corner of the map. These tanks will have to actively move, keeping up with the rest of the team and providing support. It was for this purpose that they were equipped with thick frontal armor and increased strength – hence the “assault” part of the name of the new role of the vehicles.

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With the release of Update 12.10, we plan to make changes to some of the commander skills for battleships, cruisers and destroyers. We have gathered both the statistical data and player feedback over time and reworked some of the outdated, unpopular or underperforming skills to make them more useful in battles.

Consumables Specialist (Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers – Line 1)

Removed the following effects:

  • Fighter consumable cooldown time: -10%
  • Spotting Aircraft consumable cooldown time: -10%
  • Defensive AA consumable cooldown time: -10%
  • Main Battery Reload consumable cooldown time: -10%
  • Torpedo Reload Booster consumable cooldown time: -10%


WoT: “The Krieger Family”

The Waffentrager event is already 4 years old. During this time we saw many characters, but Max von Krieger’s family stands out in particular.

• Max von Krieger (formerly Max von Hoffman, full name Maximilian Leonard von Krieger-Wythoffen, Baron zu Ledensburg):
He first appeared as the commander of the Walküre tank in the “Steel Hunter” mode in 2020. At that time, the still unknown engineer carried out orders for the Alliance. Over time, he escaped from the Alliance on the Ho 229 (Horten Ho IX) plane with his achievements in Season VI of the Battle Pass. We were not given the young Max von Hoffman at all, either in appearance or as a crew member.

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