WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: Deleting General chat in the garage

This will allow us to better allocate resources, ensuring a constantly improving gaming experience.
Instead, join the conversation on other platforms and social networks.

10 thoughts on “WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: Deleting General chat in the garage

  1. Attention to a2 Attention to a3 Reloading Attention to a4 Reloading Reloading Reloading Attention to a2 Attention to a2 Requesting fire Requesting fire Requesting fire Requesting fire.

  2. Many use it, but as you say it’s mainly angry Slavs (and Germans and UAs) who think the game is rigged.

    1. It’s going to be removed so WG are compliant with new EU legislation banning under 16 year old from accessing social media

        1. Lmao ok Burgertard. Kids under 16 shouldnt be posting on social media, but its different in the states. God forbid the day you cant look at 12 year olds posting their bikinis on Instagram. Sad day when that taken away from you.

          1. Cry more. You’re a vassal state of The American Empire. It must really grind your gears to know that the European continent is filled with nothing but “has been countries.” Enjoy your restrictions.

  3. WG are so full of it….a couple of months ago i put in a support ticket and asked what happened to mods (on asia server) and their response was “Finding and teaching good moderators requires a lot of time. We hope for your understanding.”

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