WoT 1.22 Supertest: Changes to British Tanks (T95/FV4201 Chieftain Nerf, AT 15, Black Prince, etc.)

The characteristics listed below now include the commander’s bonus, rather than showing only the base stats, and also include more specific details

Tier X T95/FV4201 Chieftain


Reload time: from 10.07 to 11.51 s
Rate of fire: from 5.96 to 5.21
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.14 (6.44) to 0.14 (5.60)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.14 (4.82) to 0.14 (4.09)
Armor penetration with APCR shells: from 322 to 311 mm
Armor penetration with APCR shells at 500 m: from 280 to 271 mm
Average damage per minute with standard APCR/special APCR shells: from 2,622 to 2,295
Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 3,159 to 2,764
Max. forward speed: from 46 to 40 kph
Hull rotation speed: from 34.42 to 29.20 deg/s

Tier VIII AT 15

Suspension 1/2 – AT 15
Dispersion from hull movement (max): from 0.30 (6.00) to 0.20 (5.00)
Dispersion from gun movement (max.): from 0.30 (5.63) to 0.20 (3.75)
Chassis 2/2 – AT 15 Mk. II
Dispersion from hull movement (max): from 0.28 (5.60) to 0.18 (4.50)
Dispersion from gun movement (max.): from 0.28 (5.84) to 0.18 (3.75)
Max. forward speed: from 20 to 25 kph
Max. reverse speed: from 10 to 12 kph

Tier VII Black Prince

Chassis 1/2 – Black Prince
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.18 (3.60) to 0.16 (4.00)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.18 (3.38) to 0.16 (3.00)
Suspension 2/2 – Black Prince Mk. II
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.16 (3.20) to 0.14 (3.50)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.16 (3.34) to 0.14 (2.92)
Gun 2/2 – OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII
Reload time: from 4.79 to 4.31 s
Aiming time: from 2.21 to 1.92 s
Rate of fire: from 12.52 to 13.91
Dispersion from turret rotation (max.): 0.20 (6.26) to 0.10 (3.13)
Average damage per minute with AP/APCR shells: from 1,877 to 2,086
Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 2,378 to 2,642
Max. forward speed: from 20 to 25 kph
Max. reverse speed: from 12 to 14 kph

Tier VI Churchill VI

Chassis 1/2 – Churchill IV
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.20 (4.00) to 0.18 (4.50)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max.): from 0.20 (3.75) to 0.18 (3.38)
Chassis 2/2 – Churchill VII
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.18 (3.60) to 0.16 (4.00)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.18 (3.75) to 0.16 (3.34)
Turret 2/2 – Churchill VII Gun 5/5 – OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II
Aiming time: from 2.21 to 1.92 s
Dispersion from turret rotation (max.): 0.16 (5.01) to 0.14 (4.38)
Max. forward speed: from 20 to 25 kph
Max. reverse speed: from 12 to 14 kph

Tier V Churchill I


Chassis 1/2 – Churchill I
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.22 (5.65) to 0.20 (5.14)
Dispersion from turret rotation (max): from 0.22 (4.59) to 0.20 (4.17)
Chassis 2/2 – Churchill III
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.20 (5.14) to 0.18 (4.63)
Dispersion from turret rotation (max.): from 0.20 (4.59) to 0.18 (4.13)
Turret 2/2 – Churchill III Gun 6/6 – 75 mm Vickers HV
Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.01 s
Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.35 to 0.34

Tier VIII FV4202 (P)

Reload time: from 7.67 to 7.19 s
Rate of fire: from 7.82 to 8.34
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.20 (10.00) to 0.14 (7.00)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.20 (8.34) to 0.14 (5.84)
Average damage per minute with AP/APCR shells: from 1,799 to 1,919
Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 2,190 to 2,336
View range: from 390 to 400 m

Tier VIII Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC

Dispersion from movement (max): 0.18 (9.00) to 0.14 (7.00)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.18 (6.76) to 0.14 (5.26)

Tier VIII Turtle Mk. I

Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.25 (5.00) to 0.18 (4.50)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max):: from 0.25 (6.00) to 0.18 (4.32)
Armor penetration with AP shells: from 224 to 240 mm
Armor penetration with AP shells at 500 m: from 207 to 228 mm
Armor penetration of APCR projectiles: from 253 to 270 mm
Armor penetration with APCR shells at 500 m: from 242 to 256 mm
AP shell velocity: from 792 to 1,050 m/s
APCR shell velocity: from 991 to 1,200 m/s
HE shell velocity: from 792 to 1,050 m/s
Max. forward speed: from 20 to 25 kph
Max. reverse speed: from 10 to 12 kph

7 thoughts on “WoT 1.22 Supertest: Changes to British Tanks (T95/FV4201 Chieftain Nerf, AT 15, Black Prince, etc.)

    1. Only to an extent – post-nerf the tank with bond turbocharger will be as fast as the stock tank was pre-nerf.

      One more thing they should’ve nerfed on Chieftain is the gun handling. This thing is not a medium, 0.14 stock is BS.

        1. Basically the Chieftain now has the same stock speed as turbocharged S.Conq and giving the fact that the second has insane dpm and handling, as well as pretty insane armour, males me think about Conqueror as a valuable contestant.

  1. The Turtle doesn’t need these buffs, especially the top speed and penetration buffs. It’s very solid the way it is in the game now.

    1. I assume you must be joking. Turtle MK.1 is one of the worst premiums in game, being in front of only things like CdC

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