The WoT 13th Anniversary celebration continues with amazing Premium Shop bundle sales. Get ready to seize the spotlight with the VIII
Type 59 from August 14 through August 21, and take advantage of the biggest discounts on our Premium bundles. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss—this gem of a tank has not made an appearance in the Premium Shop for a while!
Type 59 Offers
Available from August 14 at 08:00 CEST through August 21 at 08:00 CEST (UTC+2)
“Old Man” 3D Style for the Type 59
“Old Man” 3D Style for the Type 59

Type 59 , a legendary medium tank, boasts remarkable resilience and versatility on the battlefield. With impressive mobility, it can reach a top speed of 60 km/h and reverse at 20 km/h, making it agile and evasive. Armed with a reliable 100 mm gun that causes 1,897 DPM, the Type 59 provides versatility, making it a fantastic vehicle to jump into and start playing.
Do you already own the Type 59? Embrace the camouflaged look with the Old Man 3D Style for the Type 59 bundle. Blend in with the battlefield with this unique upgrade. As a bonus, you will receive 10 missions for ×5 XP to power up your progress and dominate the opposition.
rare and legendary lol its 2023 not 2012
1) NA links pointing to EU.
2) Not finding it on the NA store
Had it for years.
Certainly not a “super” tank these days.
nerfed to obscurity.
so much for “premium tanks don’t get nerfed”.
It was nerfed before the EU legislation. WG does not nerf premium tanks only because in the EU they would be legally obliged to offer a refound for everyone who bought the tank earlier.
What’s worth in money? The first few years,every game Six figures.50%+ win/R. It’s no longer to take it was. I stopped playing mine because ammo racks are thing . Take a selfie prone to fire an amir racking it’s no longer worth playing I have almost 10k games in mine